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42 Campbell L. Rev. 335 (2020)
Defamation in the Age of Social Media: Why North Carolina's 'Micro-Influencers' Should Be Classified as Limited Purpose Public Figures

handle is hein.journals/camplr42 and id is 355 raw text is: 

   Defamation in the Age of Social Media: Why
   North   Carolina's Micro-influencers Should
 be  Classified   as Limited Purpose Public Figures


     The advent ofsocial media has changed the way society communicates
and the way ideas are spread. These new platforms for speech have
inevitably pushed the boundaries of the law, particularly in the area of
defamation.  Social media has created new types of speakers, new
publication methods, and easier ways for people to defame each other. This
Comment  examines existing constitutional and North Carolina-specific
defamation law, explains how defamation law has evolved in the 21
century, provides a focused description of two types of social media users
in 2020, and proposes a way for North Carolina courts to adapt current
standards to these new speakers in a way that continues to protect speech.

ABSTRACT        ........................................................... 335
INTRODUCTION.................................................. 336
I. A BRIEF HISTORY OF DEFAMATION.................. ............ 337
      A. Common Law Standards...................       ........ 337
          1. Constitutional Standards  ........................ 337
          2. North Carolina Standards ....................... 341
  NORTH  CAROLINA       ...................................... ....... 344
      A. Evolution ofDefamation in the 21s Century in
         North Carolina      ........................... ...... 344
      B. Types of Social Media Users in 2020 ......... .................. 345
          1. Influencers   .................................. 346
          2. Trolls    ............................................ 348
      C. Classifying North Carolina Micro-influencers in Defamation
          Cases in 2019.   .................................. 350
          1. How North Carolina Courts Have Previously Determined
            Limited Purpose Public Figures   .................. 354
      D. Protecting Opinions on Social Media  .................... 357
CONCLUSION                      .................................................... 358


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