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38 Chi. L. Libr. Bull. 1 (May 1966)

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Number 38                                                                   May, 1966

                                  C.A.L.L. MEETINGS

The March meeting, held  at the Chicago Bar Association, was  extremely well attended.
After a fine luncheon, Joseph Benson, Program  Chairman, introduced Mr. Louis A.
Schultheiss, head of the Technical Services  Division and Associate Professor of
Library Administration at the University of  Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus.  He
discussed their automation plans which are  confined to clerical operations, ordering,
etc.  So far they will not use automation  for information retrieval.  After the pro-
gram there was a tour of the newly expanded and  remodeled Library, under the direc-
tion of William Powell, Librarian.

The C.A.L.L. Nominating Committee, Leon Liddell,  Chairman, has presented this slate
of officers for 1966-67:

                                Executive  Committee

                     President              Miss  Elaine Teigler
                     Vice President          Mr. Harley A. Stephenson
                     Secretary-Treasurer     Miss Joyce Malden
                                             Mr. Joseph Benson
                                             Mr. Olavi Maru

The membership will vote to elect  officers at our final meeting around the end of

                                WE  GREET NEW MEMBER

Miss Dorothy M. Barrett, of Kirkland,  Ellis, Hodson, Chaffetz & Masters.

                                   NEWS OF MEMBERS

Mrs. Goldie Green Alperin has been  appointed Head of the Book Selection Department
at Northwestern University  School of Law Library, as successor to Dorothy Scar-
borough who, as reported  elsewhere in this issue, has resigned.  Mrs. Alperin was
Process Librarian at the  Chicago Bar Association Library for a number of years,
then served as Director of  the Defense Information Office in Chicago from 1963 to
1965.  Before going to  Northwestern, she was with the Editorial Department of the
Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Miss Barbara Anderson, who was  here in Chicago for a short time, has taken the posi-
tion of Director of  Law and Documents Division at the Nevada State Library, in
Carson City, Nevada.   It is only a hop-skip-jump from Reno, so she has made doubly
sure that she will  see some of her Eastern and Midwestern friends.

Miss Janice Babb  is planning a family wedding in June when she will marry Mr. Charles
Bentley, who is with the  Alex Gammie Co., Mechanical Contractors.  Jan will continue
as Librarian at the  Continental Assurance and Casualty Companies.

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