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12 Chi. L. Libr. Bull. 1 (March 1953)

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No. 11                                                                March 1 1953

                             NEXT MEETING - MARCH 20TH

       Za March meeting, to be held at Normandy House, will featug -discussion of
Tho Eolationship Between the Practicing Attorney and the Law Libr4  ,. by Profes-
sor PhiliB B. Kurland of Northwestern University Law School, Prof 4_r Kurland was
formprly associated with the staffs of Mr. Justice FrankfurterO Judge Jerome N. Frank,
The Dcpartment of Justice, and the firm of Milton Pollack of New York City. He is a
mamb ' of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, The Chicago Bar Associ-'
atiop, and The Federal Bar Association.


       Members of the Chicago Association were much in evidence 'at the meeting of the
Assoeiatio of American Law Schools December 28-30. It was a real pleasure to greet.
Gur r.bers in absentia Helen Ross (Mrs.. William Britton) of Urbana, Breta Peterson
(Mrs. Davi4 Dow)fTicoln Nebraska, and Elizabeth Holt, now librarian of the Univer-
sity o0 Nebraska College of Law,.

       fcvwral 6f our members together with nine law librarians who were attending
ti.e rirings of the Association of American Law Schools met for dinner on the
ev~ltg of December 29. That afternoon the meeting was devoted to a discussion of
the subjeet A Bibliography of American Law: Problems Relating to a Conceptual Classi-
fication of Law. Mr. Ervin Pollack discussed the Nature and Scope of the Project
while Profpssor Jerome Hall, Professor Max Rheinstein, Professor Lon Fuller, and
Profeogor MacDougall read papers on Some Basic Questions Regarding Legal Ciassifica-
tion fer Professional and Scientific Purposes. It was good to see so many law libra-
rians and to have a young A A L L convention in Chicago.

       Mr, Bursler and Miss Benyon were asked to go as representatives of Mr. Graham,
the Law Library Association's representative on the Joint Committee on the Union List
of Serials. The meeting was devoted to hearing and discussing the report of the
representative of the Library of Congress on the LC IBM punch card project for a
national union catalog of serials and for the publication of New Serial Titles
begi. dng January, .1953. LC is proposing to include in the national catalog of
serials the following catagories of material:.periodicals, foreign government serial
documents, U.S. Federal and all State serial docements, municipal government serial
documento (probably of a limited nature), annuals,, publications of international
Congvesses and Conferences, directories (including telephone directories), college
catalogs and bulletins,, trade catalogs, continuations, numbered monographs series
(except Dublishers series),, but with the following exceptions which will not be
covered: newspapers, loose,4eaf publications, books-in-part. It is proposed that
libraxy holdings not be shown for the U.S. government material. Whether or not money

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