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26 Barry L. Rev. 1 (2020-2021)
The Egregious Conditions of the Working Class amid Pandemic and Mismanagement

handle is hein.journals/barry26 and id is 125 raw text is: Naseem: Egregious Conditions

Safiyat Naseem *
The Coronavirus has changed the face of the Earth, and its ancillary effects have
impacted working class people around the world the most. Adie Tomer of the Brookings
Institution, who has studies the essential work force, says Covid-19 is exposing a lot
of the structural disadvantages that low-income people face, including a lack of job
security and uneven access to health care. He continues: The well-off are employed in
industries where they are at a desk, and so there are some advantages built into these
high-income neighborhoods during this pandemic.1 Indeed, this paper examines the
responses of the international community in dealing with these effects, with special
emphasis on understanding how their impact has disproportionately fallen to the worst off
among us, leading to the emergence of egregious and intolerable conditions.
The World of Work has been destroyed by the epidemic and resulted in major
human suffering.2 It laid down a foundation for extreme insecurities and human rights
1 Jennifer Valentino-DeVries et al., Location Data Says It All: Staying at Home During Coronavirus Is a
Luxury, N.Y. TIMEs (Apr. 3, 2020), https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/03/us/coronavirus-stay-
2 Concept Note, International Labour Organization Global Summit, COVID-19 and the World of Work 1, 2
(July 1-9, 2020), https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---
dcomm/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_747931.pdf; In 2019 the International Labor Organization
marked its centenary with the adoption by the International Labor Conference of the Centenary Declaration
for the Future of Work. The Declaration recognizes that the world of work is undergoing transformative
change driven by technological innovation, demographic shifts, climate change, and globalization. And it
sets out a road map of action for the Organization and its tripartite constituents to shape and direct these
changes through a human-centred approach to the future of work in the context of the persistent poverty,
inequalities, injustices, conflict and disasters that continue to threaten shared prosperity and decent work

Published by Digital Commons @ Barry Law, 2021


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