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4 Barrister 1 (1929-1930)

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Vol.   IV                                                             NEWARK, N. J., SEPTEMBER 26, 1929                                                                                                        No. 1

Mason To Head                                            JUNIOR  AND SENIOR                     New Alumni                             Seth Boyden  School of Business

       Student Council                                   ELECTION RESULTS                         Subscription  Policy
                                                      ANNOUNCED                                                                              Announces Program
                                                                             Plan     for  Alumni       Circulation
                                        t   the elections held last srg th                       Proposed                             DAVIS AND           HUNSAKER  DIRECTORS
                                        flowing were chsetn to head thse van-~
                                        s  claiss organizatiosi for the coining     ~        e      er   thsbe
                               ..tear. Thse Class Olrganizations Commit-          Frteps           e   er    thsbe
                                       tee ofi thse Studsent Coucil wilt organize the practice  of the Chrculation De-
                                       thse Freshman Classes in the near future partment of THE BavalsTtR  to snil
                                       and those rest its will be publshd ins an to members of the New Jersey ILaw
                                       early15 issuei of  TnlE Batrr         School  Alumni   each  copy  of THE
                                                CLASS   OFFICERS                  BARRisTER,   THE BInoisTER  staff,
                                                     19291930                though  it folly appreciates the many
                                          Cl'ass of 1930---slrnincg Diviso   tadvanitagets of loll circulation to for-
                                       President, Charles J Tyne  244a  Palh  mer  studeots feels that, for many ,:
               .stde Avanue, Jersey City                                               practical reasons,  some not under its
                                       Vsice-President. Thsrman Scott, 412 Otak control, this practice can not beo con-
                                         Street, Passaic                     titteed, and  in  its stead we   have
                                         5tret,  vBaye      ri,85Wet18       adopted  a  policy that shottk1 meet
                                       Treasurer, Paul R. Kleinherg, d05 Wee- with the favor ot those alomnni who
                                         quabic Avnue.  Newsark              are really istecrestetd in the affairs of      T. Lawrence   Davis
                                       Stadent Council Repesentative, Charles the school and who   will support its
              Chrls        .  Iso .      Garihaldi, Jr., Lavallette, N. J.   activities.D Th                                           lapap s>itsentso cet 7. Lawrence
                                          Ctassf  1930l-Aftrnooen Divis   Dtue to a decrease in the annual Arts andI Letters of Boston University, as
  aorner  Head  of Barrister  to Lead  Presidtett, Jsmes Rossen, 54 Thoan Place, hbudget alloitent to THEt BARRISTES, director of the new Setsh Boyden School   Herbert  C.  H-unsakeer
         Stdent  Orgnztos                 weehawikein                        in  view of  the dlecrettse its the en- of Buosiness and of Herbert C. THusater
               Stu rgnizaionVice-Presidtent, wdhians Laise, 30 roflitunt of thte school, it will he- a5sassociate director, were announced ren the liachetor s degree and the Master's
                                         Brooame Street. New York  City cently from thle olice of Richard D. Cur- degree in bsusiness administration front
   At  thte election heltd last Sprintg Serretary, Beraard teelberg, 291 Grove cotte tnecessary for os to enroll SUh) ricer, paresident of New Jersey Law School. Boston tUniersity, and the honorary d~e-
           ~ Sudnt  oucil usdegrdnae      errce   Passaic                     scriptionts from altssini who dlesice weith whbich the ness institun is altili- gree at doctor of commercial science
           hStdnConiudrrdu            T reasreGeorge        hock,  64  Summnit to have THE BARRISTER   mailled to atcd.                                    from  Kansas Wesleyan.  He was arera
  psvertsing hotly, elected Charles B.   Road, Elizabeth                     thems,  Tire mailing of thousandls tsf  The  Seth Boyden  School of Business cone 1runino  lyas1    ntos  enntfly
  hfaoon, of Newark,  as its president. Stmdens Coancil Rtepresentate, Israet BARRISaTERS  in  the  patst was   ais avi11 be the onsly school is nortthern Nesw Hapsiewe  te trustees were seek-
  ,st year Charlie .served the Council   Siteinbherg, hit liford Ave., Newark ardruous ttask thatt did ntot give satis- Iese offerg la fr-et<  r thap r  ing ta  rsientb 96 Hwvr.
  ts h secretary, anrd in this calaceity   Clss of  1930--Etveigis  onms  rtttory results. The alunsi lasdy is Frchetnr of science in business   adminis weithdcrew Isis name treat conrsiderasinor.
            rndte ofdnc n spotPresidentd, 11rima L Bradt, i90 'thomia constantly growing ands this practice tration. Permuission to roister the   degree At th ownn tsummeneemenit, the   run-
                                                  Srecould trot potssibily corntinute.                                      has been voted bsy  the State tDetarstmenti
  I1 the ertire,hody.    .             Vice-Presisdens, Isaac tBrawer,.1392 Van TChtts we feel that hy mailing stub- of Eduicaioni swits the tirovisions that the Serring stio bim the diegree of doctor of
    Mrf. Mason,  soni of the late Desis  iloastens Street. tPatersontoreo                                                                                                        tuy   aiiis fclyadas
                                       Secretary, 'finniiic 5. Edselsoin, 3125 Chlad  sciriptions blanks with  tis issue of  nurs conitostuy  o citition, fsraty an  lal Fow9s. o113  otrai a
  Idasoni. is a graduate  of  N'ewtark   stick Avenue. Nesairk                THEt BARRtTERsvt, we offer tile alrtosni times, tie sutbjecs to the apptroval oft the ina direct contact with buasiness problemse
  Academy   and  wile there weas a Treasurer, James Mi. Joyce,   401 stegmsan of the  Lawe  School  a  year a sub-s Slate Board oif Esducations and that the throsugh his assoiations with the Mter-
  bader in the activities of die school. Parkway,  Jersey Cit?                scri ption to the paper foir thes nionlit csrriculumin standhards isould contorms to chias  National Bamnk of Manichester, N.

           ('halie  rstllcc   at t~ters bi- tuent Cocl   RepreWm senatien uis nal fe of  $100i    whtc is ll coe    thnsof adoptegiayte Amerso ica or ssc'a tLt Hos outcs ande cotribui   n  is h
                      fter gaduatiglfromihe                             lctenitFthe responsreenth venut Newerktio oth      oleite   S hooals of Bsinssu   fln  onection shave  ctone unisy
                                bali  nrlldatRugrsUn  las f191  onig  iis'   a<    it        p  s  a<oriostirt sc <n th egsi isinaeamross1c5toioltS as asat hthe
  versity.  'While tat cillege he was   Presidleit, Phsilits XV Rilcin, 358 Mot- plain  will enabe uss to continue  do sponmsoired by the Isaw  Schsool 'The gesoup eans  lie tents a vital part in  the dev'elop-

     aiv1inthleticsoulepromainentd  i  iomners   Stret. Paissak     loki27    'en-i     1~   s    e papert n   a it  incliudes  thtae Iu e-5 le Scal  atr itt tr s    tsieest  oleg

  promotttedl the msost atuccessful Jetmior secrelary. Genetieve thiees  2161 sctS tical wsays to cover the attendatit ex-. iskaoes rsst 1.iss ast sh <es Js~e deth as ,ies  iithof Iducatioal fIn-e
  Promenades   ever entjoyedl at  Rutgers.  lands Rota'd, So.  tOrange           pess. A  schnool and its activitite shsdisore boarsd includecs Edswardt DU Dlii   of the LUniversity's  College of Practical
    While It ss School. Charlie htas T'reasureir.  Jots   Miach'  i-4 Secndi  is judgeds largely liy its iloumni atni tels, Piresident oaf thei Prudcentilst n  Arts anud tetters, and hiss been dean of
                                          Stret. Rart ahc                                                                                                 that col
  tadue anr enviahle recodics  He  I.hasSut Councsiil  Rfepresesntativ'e, Jhnm  '  t it emtocary toit projeacts o Vtorneyli CGnerl  at Newcr Jerstoo lfd  1919 esiieis  oabhasa
  eenot editor-in-chief of THin   LaR-    Cntnt ,   8f Autas   Streeti.    isis tineai isa cmrt or w  ahtul'nal ofteHonell.,iceolPrese Jndronse tof~ I1.HnakrSISascae   ietr



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