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1 Arb. Action 1 (1943)

handle is hein.journals/arbitrtn4 and id is 1 raw text is: ARBITRATION
in Action

VOL. 1. No. I



W      HEN THE SECOND World War
Qpened, the threat to divide and
conquer the Americas from within was
real. To combat the inroads that might
come through the common enemy of
disputes, arbitration was put on guard.
Today it is the ally of unity in the pro-
duction of every ship that is launched,
every plane that takes flight, every
tank that rumbles over a foreign ter-
rain and every gun that goes to the
front.  It is the convoy that carries
commodities and supplies betwcn
American Republics safely through the
shoals of misunderstandings and con-
It stands guard in literally thou-
sands of collective bargaining agree-
ments.  It is the guarantor of peace
and goodwill under other thousands of
commercial contracts. This once ob-
scure guardian is in the headlines, on
the President's desk, in Executive
Orders, and in the minds of men as
an American way to help win this war.
It is the alternative to strikes for the
duration and the chosen way of labor
leaders to take jurisdictional disputes
out of production. It is being officially
recommended by the National War
Labor Board to every industry in the
United States.
This battle against our own disputes,
which, next to war itself, are the most
destructive force in the world, did not
begin with World War II. It began
with World War I, when Americans
saw that without control of disputes
there could be no enduring peace, and
that without organization against con-
troversies at home, international foun-
dations would not stand.
'Into the front line of this battle of
organized arbitration against disputes
which were bleeding the economic sys-
tem white moved the newly created
American    Arbitration   Association.
Through its research and spread of
knowledge, and its organization of fa-

cilities, whole areas of controversy,
industry by industry, have been taken
from the column of American liabilities
and been converted into assets. Today,
eighty-five hundred members of arbi-
tration panels stand ready, through
immediate voluntary service, to settle
disputes that arise in American trade,
commerce, finance and labor relations.
They live in 1,600 cities, on call for
the emergency signal when the alarm
of a dispute is sent out.
A decade ago, this battle against dis-
putes, the common enemy, was extended
to every American Republic. It now
covers the trade routes and termi-
nals on all water ways, rail and air
lines. Into the vanguard moved the
Inter-American Commercial Arbitra-
tion Commission, setting up machinery
in each Republic under a National
Committee for the more effective trans-
lation of the good neighbor policy into
tangible action. The Pan American
Republics, meeting in session in 1933,
gave official sanction to the system and
set it on its independent course, with
the Pan American Union as counsellor.
Five years ago the battle line moved
northward to organize the prevention
of any future economic disp-.tes that
might disrupt the goodwill and under-
standing obtaining so long between
Canada and the United States.     In
command of this division moved the
Canadian-American Commercial Arbi-
tration System set up jointly by the
American Arbitration Association and
Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
These   organizations,  united  by
agreement and through integrated fa-
cilities, constitute a western hemisphere
system of defense against disputes in-
spired from without and for the con-
quest of disputes that arise among
ourselves.  The Americas, including
Canada, are literally tied together
under a common bond to war upon
commercial disputes.


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When World War II came, all that
was necessary was to mobilize arbitra-
tion against the enemy in the new
guise of the Axis partnership and use
it as a bulwark against the thousands
of new controversies which arise be-
hind the fighting lines under the vastly
increased tempo of war production.
News about arbitration comes from
everywhere   today-the   home,   the
church, the factory, offices, govern-
ments, management and labor ranks;
from far-off countries like China, Rus-
sia, the British Empire, and from our
neighboring republics.  The vigorous
attack by arbitration upon disputes that
hamper production and waste time and
manpower make it a topic of the hour,
and a major instrumentality in shaping
the future peace.
But what does the public really
know about it? Arbitration has had
no voice of its own. Its best efforts
have gone unsung or are siphoned away
under other names or synonyms. Its
laurels are worn by men who some-
times deny the parentage of its success.
But of what it really is, how it works,
where it is used and what service it
renders, where it is weak and where
strong, where it requires correction,
restriction or expansion in the inter-
ests of the common good, there is con-
fusion, misapprehension and misunder-
to tell the story of arbitration as it has
been in the past, as it is now, and as
it may develop in the future, by faith-
fully and impersonally reporting and
interpreting the news, by building fact
upon fact, by being alert to changes
and opportunities, by connecting practice
and theory, by disclosing war trends
and by describing changing patterns. It
aims to give its readers the basis for an
informed opinion and intelligent dis-
cussion and use of arbitration in na-
tional, inter-American and interna-
tional relations.

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