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10 AGORA Int'l J. Jurid. Sci. 23 (2016)
The Council of Europe and Its Mechanisms for Protecting and Guaranteeing Human Rights

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AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, http://univagora.ro/ijoir/index.php/aijjs
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 1 (2016), pp. 23-33

                                   T. TANASESCU
Tudor TnAsescu
Faculty of Law
University Bioterra Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence: Tudor Tdndsescu, str. Pescdru~ului nr. 3, Bi. B-24, Sc.3, Et. 6, Ap. 145,
Sector 2, Bucure~ti, Romania.
E-mail: tanasescu.tudor @ yahoo.com


       The Council of Europe represents the main regional/European international
intergovernmental organization in which the most efficient mechanisms for guaranteeing and
protecting human rights have been initiated and developed.
       The mechanisms implemented by this organization, aiming to protect and guarantee
human rights, established through the conventional judicial tools adopted by the Council of
Europe are. The European Court for Human Rights (jurisdictional mechanism), established
by the European Convention on Human Rights, the conventional non-jurisdictional
mechanisms for monitoring, as well as the system of regularly reporting and that of the
collective complaints, employed by the European Committee for social rights, created based
on the European Social Charter and its two protocols of 1991 and 1995, and the preventive
control based on inquiries carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of
Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, based on the European
Convention of the Prevention of Torture.
       Added to these some extra-conventional mechanisms are considered, such as The
European Commission against racism and intolerance and The Commissioner for Human
Rights at the Council of Europe.


       Generally, compared to the human rights protection system of the United Nations
Organization, the mechanisms of the Council of Europe for protecting and guaranteeing
human rights offer the image of a more integrated system, with additional possibilities of
reparatory compensations in cases when violations of human rights have occurred4°. While
the UN system is very cautious in recognizing the possibility for willing states or individuals
who had been prejudiced to question how some of the human rights are being implemented in
practice, the European system takes further steps, establishing several procedures through
which the states can be summoned and forced to provide explanations and, in the end, to
execute certain verdicts that have ruled that human rights violations had taken place against
their citizens. In such cases, the states can be forced/condemned to provide reparatory
compensations and to adopt measures in order to reestablish the rights to the persons whose
fundamental rights had been violated.
       At first, the European system for protecting human rights enacted by the Convention
on defending Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms comprised three bodies: The

40 Duculescu Victor, Legal protection of human rights, Publishing House Lumina Lex, Bucharest, 1994 p.94;
TMinhisescu Tudor, International protection of human rights. University Course, Publishing House Sitech,
Craiova, 2015, p.91; Scdiuna$ Stelian, International law of human rights. University Course, Publishing House
All Beck, Bucharest 2003, p.54

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