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ID-76-40 1 (1976-01-21)

handle is hein.gao/gaobaabfh0001 and id is 1 raw text is: 
RESTWID  -~ Not 'to be relca±sed outside the Centerny
Account !, Olffce except     fsis ~  07 SpeilcaxppW va
by the Oficke of Congrge;. iia   R.'aons
                 WASHtNGTON. GOC- 205~4a

c29qe Z3

jAi 2 i 1376

The honorable Clarence D. Long
House of Representatives

Dear Mr. Long:



        Your letter of June 10, 1975, requested us to investigate whether
   congressional intent was contravened by a February 1975&derision by the
,-Department of Agriculture not to grant the United Nations World Food
   Program permission to use t             -e-l--Y--Inc.. as tileir
 a freight forwayder,2 Your reque               ne 3, 1975, letter from
   Daniel F. Young inc., ad a(!oFrl                ood qodir tion paper iden-
   tifying several issues relating Lo the decision. Your letter of
   ?Jgust 7, 1975, enclosed copias of additional corresponience you
   received from the firm providing information further contesting the
   Agriculture decision.

        In summary, we fou-d nothing illegal about Agriculture's decision
   nor could we find sufficient evidence to suggest that it contravenes
   the intent of Congress. The legislative history of title !i, Public
   a  O, does not specify the extent to which freight forwarding and
   other serxvices involved in ihe title ii program should be provided by
   pri\,-.e ente-prise. Es-entially then, whether Agricu1ture or a private
   fre i-Lt fcr:'arer should .rovide these c.:.rvices is let to administrative
   C;icretinn, b ds2_ on vari'ou ', iccy cows-cerati ons, ra I.or than reouiring
   l&cal resolution.  Our --nal:-sis of, and views on, the lgislative h.istory
   In supprrt uf this posiJon are sez foth in the enclosu.e.

        Agriculture's decision to retain the ocean transuortation respon-
   sibility for comodities destined for World Food Program recipients
   appears to be based priimarily on a Jinuary 1975 audit report by its
   Offia , o Audi. The audit was UdertaKen by Agriculture i n response
   to orld FocJ Program efforts, dating back to 1959, seeking approval
   to use a ireight fow.qarder to effeci ocean trarsnortati'        n rrar.ernts
   for 4.ts title -1 ccoodiies.         .ou Lhis span of r ore thin 5 years,
   :crld Food P-rc';Lm o ficiais have (1) iairtai:-ed that Ariculture has
   not provided proprer ';ervice for shipment of programed c)-,0oitics arnd
   (,. contended that s.uch transportation could be 'iandl-d . ore efficienty
   by a freicr, t forward'or.

                                                    I C- 76 -L



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