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1 Reports of Cases Taken and Adjudged in the Court of Chancery, in the Reign of King Charles I., Charles II., James II., William III. and Queen Anne (3d ed.) [i] (1736)

handle is hein.eislr/rctadj0001 and id is 1 raw text is: REPORTS
Taken and adjudged in the
tort of Choanutrp,
In the Reign of
King Charles I. Charles II. James II.
William III. and Queen Anne.
Special C A S E S, and moft of them decreed with the
Affiflance of the Judges, and all of them referring to the Regi-
fier Books: Wherein are fettled feveral Points of Equity, Law
and 'Praffice.
To which are added Learned AR G UMENTS relating to
the Antiquity of the faid Court, its Dignity, Power and Jurifdietion:
The Great C A S E between the Dutchefs of Albemarle and the Earl of
Bath: And a Lift of all the Lord Chancellors, Lord Keepers, and
Lords Commiffloners of the Great Seal, fince the Firft Year of the Reign
of Queen ELIZABETH, down to the prefent Time.
With two Tables to each VOLUME; one of the Names of the Cafes, and
the other of the Principal Matters.
The Eitri Cbition, with many additional References to the later Books and Au-
thorities, and carefully correfied from the many Errors in the former Impreflions.
Vol. I.
In the SAVOY:
Printed by E. and R. NU T T, and R. GoS LI N G, (Affigns of Edw. Sayer Efqg)
for 3. Whit&joe, and fold by Z. Da.bone in Grays-Inn. M DCC XXXVI.

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