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20 For the Record 1 (2009)

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NSL.  20th Anniversairy:

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  the NSLAI since 1989

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Bterice   Tieev with the 2005-2006 Sorts Law Review Editoiial Board

        On  Thursday,  March   12, 2009, Mrs.  Bernice K.  Tierney, a long
time benefactor of Marquette's Sports Law  program and  the National Sports
Law  Institute passed away at the age of 93. Bernice was  a graduate of the
Marquette  U.niversity School of Journalism in 1937.  She  w'as a founding
member   of the Association of Marquette  University Women   in 1938, past
President of the Marion Club and Christ Child Society, and a member  of the
Wauwxatosa  WXomen's  (Clob, the Women's  (Club of Wisconsin. the Lawtyers'
Wives (lb,   the 20th Century  Club, and St. Jude the Apostle Parish fOr 62
years. Bernice met her late husband, Joseph Tierney, Jr., as an
undergraduate  at Marquette.  They  were married  for 58 yeats, In the late
1980s  Joe was  instrumental in the formation  of the National Sports  Iaw
Institute, securing fimding from  the  Milwaukee   Admirals.   After  Ine's
passtng' Bernice created the Tierney scholarships to provide financial
support to the student editors of the Marquette Sports Law Review.

The  following tributes aie from students, alumni and faculty involved in the
National Sports Law  Institute and Marquette's Sports Law program.

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