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4 For the Record 1 (1993-1994)

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For The Record~
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       The  Official Newsle ter of the National Sports Law Institute
       Marquette Un ye s~ Law School                                                    Ir
       1103 West Wisconsin Avenue                               MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY L
       Miiwaukee, Wisconsin 53233

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'ebruary / Man
        Volume   4

~umber  1




                            Bob Harlan,
                        president and chief
                        executive officer of the
                        Green Bay Packers, wil
                        address the National
                        Sports Law Insitute's
                ~ Sports Business Forum
        Bnb Hn, Pr nt & on February 25 at the
        CEO  C n v PMemorial Union.
     Harlan s luncheon topic is The National
Footbal League and the Green Bay Packers.
Harlan, a member of the Packers' front office since
1971, was elected to his current position at the
annual Packer stockholders' meeting on June 5,
1989. The ninth president in the team's 74-year
existence, Harlan is the first CEO to come up
through the Packer ranks.
    Harlan joined the Packer organization as
assistant general manager on June 1, 1971 after
serving as director of public relations for baseball's
St. Louis Cardinals. Prior to his position with the
Cardinals, he was hired as the sports information
director at Marquette University in 1959 and worked
in that capacity for six years. He was later named
Packer corporate general manager in 1975, Packer
corporate assistant to the president in 1981 and
Packer executive vice president of administration on
February 18, 1988. Prior to 1985, Harlan had
negotiated all Packer player contracts for 14 years.
    The NSLI Sports Business Forum consists of
individuals from the Greater Milwaukee business,
sports and educational communiies and meets on a
quarterly basis.
    For those members who wish to receive further
information concerning the February 25 meeting,
contc  the Nationa Sports Law Insttute.   * e e


    NSLI Sports Business Forum
    Bob Harlan, President & CEO, Green Bay Packers
    His topic: The National Football League and the
    Green Bay Packers,'
    Marquette Alumni Memorial Union, Milwaukee, WI

    Second Annual
    Sports Dollars & Sense Conference
    Los Angeles, CA

    A unique risk management program of safety
and legal information was recently presented to
personnel who direct high school athletic programs.
A series of six seminars known as Reduce Your
RisK' was designed to manage sports injuries and
lawsuits in the Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS)
athletic programs.
             REDUCE YOUR RISK I Cornued on page 2.

 Ctolok i Trla m  cnsing and Roydi a es s2
 *SPORT MONEY:A In   yssof rcnt free agnt sinngs
 in Major League Basebal, pages 446
* Central hhiokiing Agreements (CWAs) provide relef for
foreign athletes, pages 784

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