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1 Practical Conveyancer 1719

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Pratical Conveyance

                In   Two Parts.

PART I.     Containing   Rules  and   Inflrudions  for
   drawing all Sorts of Conveyances of Effates and Inte-
   refts, whether Real or Perfonal, in Poffeffion or Expec-
Particular  Rules   for  the  Expofition   of Deeds,
      Wills, &c. and of Words ufed in Conveyances.
                TOGETHER WITH
The  iefolutions of the feVeral Courts at Wefini er, in Cafes
  wherein Difficulties have arifen touching the Words and Claufes in
  Deeds, Devifes, &c. The whole ektrafted by Way of Abridgment
  from the Reports at large of the faid Cafes, and alphabetically di.
  gefted under proper Heads.

PART   Il     Being  the   Firft Part  reduced   into
   Praaice, in a feledt ColledLion of Precedents, viz. Mai-
   riage-Settlements, Bargains and Sales, Leafes, Leafes and
   Releafes, Deeds of Copartnerfhip, of Exchange, of Releafe
   and Confirmation - Mortgages, Surrenders, Wills, Let-
   ters of Attorney, Affignments of Stocks and Exchequer
   Annuities, Eclefiaffical Infiruments, &c.

   By JOHN LILLY, Gent.

                   In  the SA VO T
Printed by OUT. uftt and R. @otling, (Affighs of Edward Sayer Efq )
  for CIj0. Mrta in the Inner-Temple Lane, and 30bn Io0ke at the
  Flower-de-Luce againdi St. Dmflns Chirth in Fleet-ftreet. 1719.

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