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1 Practical Conveyancer 1742

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  Pra 1ical' Conveyancer:

                     In     Two          Parts.

P  A  R  T   I.  Containing    RULES     and   INSTRUCTIOMS         for
   drawing  all Sorts  of  Deeds  for  the Conveying of Eftates and
   Interefts, whether Real  or Perfonal, in Poffeffion or Expdfancy.

Particular Rules for the Expofition of D E E D S, W I L L S, &c. and of' the
                 moft material Wo RDs ufed in Conveyances:

                       TOGET HER          WITH
 The Refolutions of the feveral Courts at Wef/minfler, in Cafes wherein Difficulties have arifen
 touching the Words and Claufes in Deeds, Devifes, &c. The Whole extrafted from the
   Reports at large of the faid Cafes, and from the JXew Abridgment of the Law, &c. and
   alphabetically digefted under proper Heads.

P  A  R  T   II.  Being  the  Firfi Part  reduced  into PradLice,  in a
  Choice Colleftion of the moft ufeful Precedents, viz. Marriage-Settlements, Bar-
  gains and Sales, Leafs, Leafs and Releafis, Deeds of Copartnerbip, of Exchange,
  of RClea/ and Confrmation ; Mortgages, Surrenders, Wills, Letters of Attorney,
  AIgnments of Stocks and Exchequer Annuities, Ecclefafical Infruments, &c. which
  in this New Edition are properly Methodized and Referred.

     By 7OHN                       LILLY, Gent.

   Cie E~irT  CDition colrttei, anD toutinueD Down to tbit pcrent time,
                   By  a BARRISTER of Lincoln's   Inn.

                             To which is now added
A  Complete Colle&ion of the moft Ueful Cafes in Chancery, under all the Titles of Con-
  veyancing : Alphabetically digefted and Common -Placed from the Reports of Vernon,
  Peere Williams, The Abridgment of Cafes in Equity, &c.

                           In the SAVOY:
 Printed by H E N R Y L I N T 0 T, (Affignee of Edward Sayer, Efq;) for Q(Jomay
   90boone in Gray's Inn, and (EDIatti Riciftee   at the Black Swan in Newgate-
   Jfreet near Warwick-lane. MDCCXLII.



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