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15 B.U. L. Rev. 851 (1935)
Food - Liabilities for Injuries - Construction of Statute - Evidence of Negligence

handle is hein.journals/bulr15 and id is 853 raw text is: NOTES AND COMMENTS

In the principal case there was no evidence tending to show that the
presence of the third person was essential to the conduct of the con-
versation or to any act which transpired during the consultation, exam-
ination and treatment. The decision cannot be supported or explained
away on that ground. The case, therefore, represents the addition of
one more court to the increasing ranks of the majority.
The writer submits that the reasoning employed in reaching the deci-
sions handed down by the minority is more consonant with definition of
terms, is more practical and is logically sounder, that it will work more
substantial justice, and that it more closely follows the intention of the
various legislatures in passing the statutes which impose a privilege on
confidential communications between physician and patient.
EVIDENCE OF NEGLIGENCE. Bourcheix v. Willow Brook Dairy, Inc.,
268 N. Y. 1, 196 N. E. 617.
The plaintiff, a chauffeur, lived in the house of his employer, to whom
a bottle of cream was delivered by the defendant. The cream was partly
frozen and the plaintiff- removed it with a spoon instead of pouring it,
and ate it with some oatmeal. He was injured by pieces of glass about
the size of a bean. There was evidence that there had been no glass
in the oatmeal before the cream was added, that there was glass in the
bottle near the top of the cream after the plaintiff was injured, and that
the bottle was not chipped. On the other hand, there was evidence of
the many precautions taken by the defendant before sealing the bottles
and that the bottle was sealed with two paper caps and a ring. The trial
judge instructed the jury that there was an implied warranty that the
cream contained no deleterious substance and that the plaintiff could not
recover unless the glass was in the bottle when it was delivered. A
verdict was rendered for the plaintiff.
The Appellate Division ruled1 that it was error to instruct the jury
that there was an implied warranty that the cream contained no dele-
terious substance. But from the verdict, it could be assumed that the
jury had found that there was glass in the bottle when it was opened,
which the court held that a nurse present at a conversation between a physician
and patient could not testify as to those conversations as she was aiding the doctor
at the time of the conversations.
1Bourcheix v. Willowj Brook Dairy, Inc., 243 App. Div. 721, 277 N. Y. Supp. 292.

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