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69 Fla. L. Rev. 181 (2017)
Black Box Tinkering: Beyond Disclosure in Algorithmic Enforcement

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                      BLACK BOX TINKERING:

                 Maayan   Perel* &  Niva Elkin-Koren**


   The  pervasive growth  of algorithmic  enforcement  magnifies  current
debates regarding  the virtues of transparency. Using  codes  to conduct
robust online  enforcement   not only  amplifies the settled problem   of
magnitude,  or  too-much-information,   often associated with  present-
day  disclosures, but it also imposes practical difficulties on relying on
transparency   as  an  adequate   check  for  algorithmic   enforcement.
Algorithms  are non-transparent by nature; their decision-making  criteria
are concealed  behind   a veil of code  that we  cannot  easily read and
comprehend.   Additionally, these algorithms are dynamic  in their ability
to evolve according  to different data patterns. This further makes them
unpredictable.  Moreover,   algorithms  that enforce online  activity are
mostly  implemented   by  private, profit-maximizing  entities, operating
under  minimal  transparency  obligations. As a result, generating proper
accountability  through   traditional, passive observation   of  publicly
available  disclosures  becomes   impossible.  Alternative  means   must
therefore be ready to allow the public a meaningful and active interaction
with the hidden algorithms  that regulate its behavior.
   This  Essay explores the virtues of black box tinkering as means  of
generating accountability in algorithmic systems  of online enforcement.
Given  the far-reaching implications of algorithmic enforcement of online
content for public discourse and fundamental  rights, this Essay advocates
active  public  engagement in checking the practices of automatic
enforcement systems. Using the test case of algorithmic online
enforcement  of copyright law, this Essay demonstrates the inadequacy  of
transparency   in  generating  public   oversight.  This  Essay   further

      * Dr. Maayan Perel, Post-doctoral Fellow, Haifa Center for Law & Technology,
University of Haifa Faculty of Law; S.J.D., University of Pennsylvania Law School.
     ** Professor Niva Elkin-Koren, Director, Haifa Center for Law & Technology, University
of Haifa Faculty of Law.
    We thank Oren Bracha, Miriam Bitton, Jane Ginsberg, Ellen Goodman, Eldar Haber, Lital
Helman, Joe Karaganis, Ethan Katsh, Shelly Kreiczer-Levy, Edward Lee, Neil Netanel, Gideon
Pharchomovsky, Orna Rabinovitich-Einy, Tal Zarsky, as well as the participants of the 2015 Trust
and Empirical Evidence in Law Making and Legal Process conference, University of Oxford, and
the participants of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Research on Copyright Issues in Chicago-
Kent College of Law, for their insightful comments and suggestions. Special thanks are due to the
participants of the 2013-14 Law & Technology clinic, University of Haifa, for conducting the
empirical study reported in this Essay, and to Nati Perel for the original design of the study. We
are further grateful to Dalit Kan-Dror, Esq. for her academic assistance. This research was
supported by the I-CORE Program of the Planning and Budgeting Committee and The Israel
Science Foundation.


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