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65 La. L. Rev. 49 (2004-2005)
The Varying Parameters of Obstruction of Justice in American Criminal Law

handle is hein.journals/louilr65 and id is 59 raw text is: The Varying Parameters of Obstruction of Justice in
American Criminal Law
John F. Decker*
1.    Introduction  ................................... 51
II.   Background ................................ 52
III.  Federal Statute and Case Law  ..................... 53
A. The Obstruction of Justice Omnibus Clause ....... 54
1. The Clause Codified  ....................... 54
2. Elements of the Offense  .................... 54
a, Pending Judicial Proceeding .............. 54
b. Knowledge of the Proceeding ............. 57
c'. Corruptly Endeavoring to Obstruct Justice ... 58
i.  Corruptly  .......................... 58
ii. Endeavoring to Obstruct Justice ........ 60
(1) Providing False Testimony ........ 61
(2) Destruction or Alteration of Docu-
ments and Other Evidence ......... 63
(3)  Fraudulent Schemes .............. 63
(4) Witness Tampering .............. 64
3. Defenses to Section  1503  ................... 64
B. Other Federal Obstruction of Justice Offenses ...... 65
1. Obstruction of Persons in the Performance of
Their Official Duties  ....................... 65
a. Assault on a Process Server ............... 65
b. Resistance to an Extradition Agent ......... 66
2. Obstruction of Judicial Proceedings ........... 66
a. Influencing a Juror by Writing ............. 66
b. Theft or Alteration of a Record or Process
and Causing False Bail to be Entered ........ 67
c. Picketing or Parading  .................... 67
d. Recording, Listening to, or Observing Jury
Proceedings  ........................... 68
e. Obstruction of Court Orders ............... 68
3. Obstruction of Proceedings Before Government
A gencies  ................................ 69
4. Obstruction of Government Investigations ...... 70
a. Obstruction of Criminal Investigations ...... 70
b. Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or
Inform ant  ............................. 71
c. Retaliation Against a Witness, Victim, or
Inform ant  ............................. 73

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