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34 J. Am. Acad. Matrimonial Law. 97 (2021-2022)
The Dynamics of Enmeshed Family System Ten Years Later: Family Court and Contemporary Understanding of Adultification, Parentification, and Infantilization

handle is hein.journals/jaaml34 and id is 109 raw text is: Vol. 34, 2021 Adultification, Parentification, & Infantilization 97
The Dynamics of the Enmeshed
Family System Ten Years Later:
Family Court and Contemporary
Understanding of Adultification,
Parentification, and Infantilization
Benjamin D. Garber*
Time, experience, experimentation, and case law have to-
gether moved family law practice forward from a primitive and
inflammatory binary view of high conflict family dynamics to a
much more nuanced, ecological perspective. The field has in-
vested enormous resources struggling to understand alienation in
its larger relationship ecology, while largely failing to invest in
understanding concurrent family system dynamics including en-
meshment. This is a ten-year follow up and elaboration upon a
seminal discussion of enmeshment in the context of high conflict
divorce. Far more nuanced descriptions of three forms of en-
meshment (i.e., adultification, parentification, and infantiliza-
tion) are offered, including previously overlooked gender,
cultural, religious, and language considerations. Case illustrations
are provided. Discussion includes consideration of how these de-
structive dynamics can be recognized and remedied. These dis-
tinctions are described as among the necessary components of
every family law professional's field guide to understanding and
responding to the dynamics of the conflicted family system.1
* Dr. Garber is a licensed psychologist practicing in Nashua, New Hamp-
shire, at Family Law Consulting. The author is indebted to Dana Prescott, JD,
MSW, PhD and Chris Mulchay for invaluable insight relevant to this work. He
can be reached at bdgarberphd@FamilyLawConsulting.org.
1 The use of names or gender are intended to be neutral and for pur-
poses of illustration only.

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