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17 Hibernian L.J. 73 (2018)
Super-Citizens: Defining the Good Character Requirement for Citizenship Acquisition by Naturalisation

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   Super-Citizens: Defining the 'Good Character'

     Requirement for Citizenship Acquisition by


                           BASHIR OTUKOYA*

      But we should expect a theory ofthe good citizen to be relatively independent of
      the legal question of what it is to be a citizen, just as a theory of the good person
      is distinctfom the metaphysical (or legal) question of what it is to be a person.'

Acculturation  can often  be a deeply  unsettling psychological task that second
generation immigrants   must undertake  to be whole  in the perception of oneself
in one's place in  one's new  society.2 It is widely recognised that the concept
of 'integration' is difficult to define, but it is generally accepted that it usually
involves the social cohesion or inclusion of newcomers into society. In reality, true
integration is only recognised once newcomers can display cultural traits, and better
still, a passport attesting their integration.3 One must be careful, however, for one
risks being under-integrated, whereby one  is perpetually perceived as a foreigner,
and with  it comes its own socio-political, and in the extremes, racial, xenophobic,
and discriminatory  consequences.4 Extreme  caution is advised, for the immigrant
also risks being over-integrated, which the owners of the adopted  culture might
perceive as threatening to their society. One's self-assertion to an adopted culture
can face backlash, because no  matter how   Irish the immigrant perceives oneself
to be, one may never be  truly Irish enough. For example, one is labelled a 'plastic
Paddy'  Yet the naturalisation requirements  of becoming  an Irish citizen suggest

  B.A., LL.B., LL.M., Ph.D. Candidate at University College Dublin. The author thanks Siobhin
  Power and Aoife Mac Ardle for their editorial comments on previous drafts of this article.
  Will Kymlicka and Wayne Norman, 'Return ofthe Citizen: A Survey ofRecent Work on Citizenship
  Theory' (1994) 104 Ethics 352, 353.
  2 hao N Le and Gary Stockdale, 'Acculturative Dissonance, Ethnic Identity, and Youth Violence'
  (2008) 14 Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 1.
  On integration and the law, see generally, Cliodhna Murphy, Immigration, Integration and the Law
  in Ireland (Ashgate 2013).
  Lucy Michael, Afrophobia in Ireland: Racism against People ofAfrican Descent (Enar Ireland 2015)
  Increasing numbers of European Union Member States, like Britain, are implementing citizenship
  tests as part of their naturalisation policies for fear of perceived loss or damage to their national
  identity. Mireille Paquet, 'Beyond Appearances: Citizenship Tests in Canada and the UK' (2012)
  13 Journal of International Migration and Integration 243; Christian Joppke, 'The Inevitable
  Lightening of Citizenship' (2010) 51 European Journal of Sociology 9.
6 The term originally referred to second generation Irish citizens who emigrated to London during
  the 1980s. Having grown up in an English society, but self-identifying as Irish, they were referred


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