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1 Current Res. J. Soc. Sci. & Human. 45 (2018)
How to Get out of the Stanford Prison Experiment: Revisiting Social Science Research Ethics

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                    Vol. 01, No. (2) 2018, Pg. 45-59

Current Research Journal of Social Sciences

         Journal Website:   journalofsocialsciences.org

How to get out of the Stanford Prison Experiment:
      Revisiting Social Science Research Ethics

                           HARRY   PERLSTADT

    Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI. USA.

The Stanford Prison Experiment has continued to raise questions about
social science research ethics. Male student volunteers were randomly
assigned to be prisoners or guards in a simulation in which the guards
became  sadistic and the prisoners showed extreme stress. Two ethical
issues are the ability of the participants to leave the experiment and
the failure to provide adequate oversight and intervening to limit the
abuse of the prisoners. In 2018, these issues were revisited and some
declared the experiment unscientific and untrustworthy. However, the
experiment was carried out before many social science research ethics
were  established. A detailed description of the experimentreveals
insights on how group dynamics and social structure can encourage
normal individuals to harm one another in a prison environment. The
study is a cautionary tale that should be included in textbooks to improve
social science research, demonstrate the need for research ethics, and
prevent outrageous treatment of prisoners in the real world.

Philip Zimbardo's 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment
randomly assigned young  male volunteers to the
roles of guards or prisoners for a two-week period.
Zimbardo was interested in how an individual adapts
to a new environment and role. In 1971 he set up
a mock  prison in the basement of the Stanford
University psychology building. The guards soon
dehumanized  and abused the prisoners to the extent
that many of the prisoners wished to withdraw from

Article History

Received: 03 December 2018
Accepted: 19 February 2019


Research Ethics;
Total Institutions;

the experiment and he had tocall off and shut down
the experiment after only six days. The simulation
raised philosophical and social science questions
about the nature and source of evil, whether humans
can liberate themselves from the constraints and
alienation of society, and the capability of the social
sciences to answer the question of what makes
people do what they do. It also started a debate over
human  nature, the social sciences, and research
ethics that has lasted almost 50 years.

CONTACT   Harry Perlstadtgg perlstad@msu.edu 9 Department of Sociology, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI. USA.

@ 2018 The Author(s). Published by Enviro Research Publishers.
This is an @ Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY).
Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CRJSSH.1.2.01

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