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50 Colum. J. Transnat'l L. 253 (2011-2012)
Tragedy of the Space Commons: A Market Mechanism Solution to the Space Debris Problem

handle is hein.journals/cjtl50 and id is 257 raw text is: Tragedy of the Space Commons: A Market
Mechanism Solution to the Space Debris
Shearman & Sterling Student Writing Prize in
Comparative and International Law,
Outstanding Note Award
Space has become an invaluable resource to mankind.
GPS technology, satellite television, weather forecast-
ing and a national defense network are examples of
the many modern technologies made possible by orbit-
ing satellites and space technology. Unfortunately,
the international treaty regime which governs space
usage treats orbital space as an open-access, common
property resource. As a common property resource,
space is susceptible to suffering from a tragedy of the
commons. The most immediate threat to the space re-
source is space debris. Created from a multitude of
man-made sources, space debris orbits the earth with
enough speed and momentum to damage or destroy
any object in its path. In order to prevent space de-
bris from rendering this important resource useless, it
is necessary to alter the legal regime so that space is
no longer a common property resource. This Note
proposes that, in light of the peculiar characteristics
of orbital space, a regulatory scheme based on market
mechanisms is the best method to control the level of
space debris introduced into orbit and thereby pre-
serve the resource for ages to come.

1. Or, How a Law Student Fulfills His Childhood Dream of Becoming an Astronaut.

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