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17 Braz. J. Int'l L. 440 (2020)
Indigenous Refugees and Cultural Erosion: Possibilities and Limits of International Refugee and Indigenous Peoples Law in the Protection of Indigenous Cultural Expressions Related to Traditional Land and Native Language

handle is hein.journals/brazintl17 and id is 1356 raw text is: Indigenous refugees and cultural erosion:
possibilities and limits of international refugee
and indigenous peoples law in the protection
of indigenous cultural expressions related to
traditional land and native language*
~Refugiados indigenias e erosio cutturak:
possibdades e        n lrites do dreio     rnternaciona
das pOvOs ndigcnas e dos refugados nla
Rickson Rios Figueira**
This article investigates whether the legal frameworks of international refu-
gee and indigenous peoples law can protect indigenous groups in a refugee
situation. It questions if these regimes' main instruments are able to offer
effective protection to indigenous refugees in a way that safeguards their
cultural specificities, particularly those related to their language as a cultural
expression and a way of organizing reality, and the ones derived from the
bond with their traditional lands. As a method, the article first introduces
the concepts and problems that arise when thinking indigenous culture in
relation to the two dimensions of analysis, land and language, and then scru-
tinizes the legal solutions available in the referred frameworks, evaluating
the conditions of their applicability to the situation of indigenous refugees.
For this examination, it first deduces a concept of indigenous refugee from
international legal studies and instruments. The following section explains
the mandatory density of the applicable rules, especially those found in soft
law instruments. It proceeds to analyse the impact of the indigenous refugee
condition to their cultural expressions to identify the norms that provide its
protection. This phenomenon is studied in two scenarios: the indigenous re-
fugee's insertion, under precarious conditions, to urban contexts as a conse-
quence of their uprooting from traditional lands; and the linguistic cultural
erosion in the host State. The article concludes that, despite the existence
of norms that offer some protection, they prove insufficient for the preser-
vation of indigenous refugees' cultural expressions in face of the profound
vulnerability of their condition.
Keywords: Indigenous peoples. Refugees. Cultural protection. Indigenous
lands. Indigenous languages.

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