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35 Yale J.L. & Feminism 223 (2024)
"Demons and Imps": Misinformation and Religious Pseudoscience in State Anti-Transgender Laws

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Demons and Imps: Misinformation and Religious
Pseudoscience in State Anti-Transgender Laws

Anne   Alstottt, Melisa Olgun,  Henry  Robinsontt,   and Meredithe

ABSTRACT: In a hearing before the   Florida House  of Representatives, Rep.
Webster  Barnaby  addressed transgender witnesses as demons and imps who
come   and parade before  us and pretend  that you are part of this world.
Barnaby's  remarkably  candid statement is an outlier because it reveals that
religion-rather  than  sound  science-underlies  the  new   wave  of  anti-
transgender laws that have been adopted by at least 20 states since 2021, with
the vast majority enacted in 2023. In legislatures, courts, and agency hearings,
proponents  of anti-trans measures - in contrast to Barnaby  - frame  their
arguments  in scientific terms, contending that biology and medicine dictate
exceptionalist treatment of transgender people.
    In this Article, we  make  three contributions. First, we debunk these
purported  scientific claims, showing (with full citations to the scientific
literature) that the core arguments for anti-trans laws rest on misinformation
(defined as false information that could, with due diligence, be determined to
be false) and religious pseudoscience (defined as statements that use scientific
vocabulary but rest on religious tenets and defy sound science). We closely
examine  key  state legal documents, including legislation, attorney general
opinions, and administrative agency documents. Our analysis shows  that the
core  and repeated scientific arguments in these documents   defy sound
science and rest, instead, on religious principles about the binary nature of sex
and gender and the corruption of secular society.
    Second,   we   show   that  the  playbook   of  misinformation   and
pseudoscience that has long fueled anti-LGBTQIA+  and anti-abortion laws is
now  being deployed by  conservative religious organizations to promote and
defend anti-trans laws. Not all religious organizations oppose transgender and

t Alstott is the Jacquin D. Bierman Professor at Yale Law School.
ft Robinson and Olgun are students at Yale Law School.
ttt McNamara is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine.

Copyright © 2024 by the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism

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