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61 Va. J. Int'l L. 137 (2020-2021)
Confessionalism in Lebanon: The Costs of Seeking Consensus through Fragmentation

handle is hein.journals/vajint61 and id is 143 raw text is: ARTICLE
Confessionalism in Lebanon:
The Costs of Seeking Consensus Through
Confessionalpolitical systems are exceptional in that they seek to build consensus by
reinforcing /ragmentation o disparate groups. Such a     tension is most evident in the case o
L'banon. The count   y  ' creation and histoy  make it an interesting  case study
demonstrating the / imitations o a con>essional system. Whi/e most academics ocus on the
substantive merits o such a sJstem and the theoy o its creation, this Note goes a different
route. Instead, app/ied a w and economics princip/es provide ins/ghts on the effectiveness
(or lack thereof o con essionalism. This Note begins !y out/ining the modern histoy o
L'banon. The ollowing subparts shine /ight on the useu/ness of economic theo y to better
critique con essionalism. Part II uses bargain theory and voting ru/es to demonstrate how
the in amous Lbanese Troika can be reconfigured to reach more eicient government.
Additiona/ly, it argues that fami/ism conso/idates power within the po/itica' / rul/ing c/ass,
but simu/taneously /owers the transaction costs of bargaining at the expense of damaging
democratic institutions. Part III discusses e/ections, representation, and intransitive voting,
demonstrating  that the coun/t, y's system  breeds in cienc'y, while showing  that
representation error undermines the ideas behind a conessiona/ist system. Part IV
exp/ains how entrenchment rein orces a status quo that externa/is:'es costs to everyday
citizens, whie a/llig the rul'/ig c/ass to internase a// the benefits. U/timate/y, these
economic princip/es provide a new persective on how to view confessional systems and
illustrate why change is needed in Lebanon.
* J.D., University of Virginia School of Law, 2020. I would like to thank the economics-minded
faculty of the Law School, particularly Michael Gilbert, who supported me throughout this process and
throughout law school. Thanks are also owed to my friends and colleagues who provided sound advice
and encouragement along the way, including Anna Noone, Jacob Rush, and the staff of the Virginia
Journal of International Law. And finally, thanks to my family for their constant and unwavering belief in

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