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12 Dick. J. Int'l L. 29 (1993-1994)
Principles of Taxation for Emerging Economies: Lessons from the U.S. Experience

handle is hein.journals/psilr12 and id is 37 raw text is: Principles of Taxation for Emerging
Economies: Lessons from the U.S.
Robert W. McGee*
Table of Contents

Introduction  .....................
Attributes of Taxation ................
A. Voluntary or Coercive System  ......
B. High or Low Rates ..............
C. Ability to Pay or Cost-Benefit Principle .
D. Uniform or Discriminatory Rates .....
E. Ease of Administration ...........
F.  V isibility  ...................
G.  Ease of Collection  ..............
H. General Fund or Earmarked ........
I.  Predictability of Flow  ............
J. Economic Distortion .............
K. Effect on Competitiveness and Economic
L.  Complexity  ..................
M .  Clarity  .....................
N .  Stability  .....................
0. Tax Base Width   ...............

Growth  ......

P. Effect on Behavior and Incentives   ............... 57
Q. Effect on Social Harmony     .................... 57
R. Administrative Costs    ....................... 60
S. Cost and Benefit ........................... 62
III. Benefits and Disadvantages of Various Forms of Taxation .. . 63
A. The Individual Income Tax     ................... 64
B. The Corporate Income Tax .................... 66
C. Property Taxation .......................... 69
D. The Value Added Tax      ...................... 70
E. Retail Consumption Taxes ............ ........ 74
F.  Excise  Taxes  ............................                77
*Robert W. McGee is a professor at the W. Paul Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall
University in South Orange, New Jersey, and is an adviser on tax and trade policy to several
governments. He has authored or edited more than 30 books and monographs and has written more
than 300 articles and reviews for a variety of scholarly and professional journals. The author would
like to thank John Tortora and Vivian Lugo for providing research assistance for this article.

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