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25 J. Gender Race & Just. 205 (2022)
A Right to Counsel for Tenants in Iowa: How to Solve a Growing Access to Justice Problem Exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic

handle is hein.journals/jgrj25 and id is 215 raw text is: 

A   Right to Counsel for Tenants in Iowa: How

to  Solve a Growing Access to Justice Problem

   Exacerbated by the COVID-19 Pandemic

                         Caroline Pappalardo*

1.      IN T R O D U CT IO N ...................................................................................206
II.     B A CK G R O U N D  ..................................................................................... 207
    A.  The Costs and Effects of Eviction.............................................................208
    B.  How the COVID-19  Global Pandemic has Fueled an Eviction Crisis
       A m ong L ow-Income Tenants....................................................................212
    C.  Examining Why There is No Pight to Counselfor Defendants in Civil Cases
        1. Powell v. Alabama Births the Narrow First Iteration of a Right to
           Counsel for Defendants Unable to Obtain Counsel in Capital
           Punishment  Cases ........................................................................215
        2. Johnson v. Zerbst Expands the Right to Counsel for Defendants in
           Federal Criminal Proceedings under the Sixth Amendment.217
        3. Betts v. Brad Creates Confusion by Declining to Extend the
           Right to Counsel to Criminal Defendants in State Court......218
        4. Gideon v. Wainwrzght Creates the Modern Right to Counsel for
           Criminal Defendants....................................................................218
    D.  Examining Pight to Council Programs in Cities Across the County ........220
        1. New York City Universal Access to Counsel Program: First of
           Its Kind..........................................................................................220
        2. San Francisco Passes 'Prop F'-the First Access to Counsel Law
           Which  Applies to All Tenants, Regardless of Income Level. 223
        3. Cleveland, Ohio Becomes the First Midwestern City to Pass a
           Right to Counsel Bill for Tenants Facing Eviction.................226
        4. Newark, New Jersey Passes a Right to Counsel Program to Help
           Address its Housing Crisis..........................................................229

 J.D., The University of Iowa College of Law, anticipated 2022; B.A, Dickinson College.
Thank you to everyone at The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice for your support and feedback
during the writing and editing process; I could not have done this without you. Thank you to
my friends and family-you inspire me daily with your kindness and determination. I am so
grateful to be able to share this piece.

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