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108 J.L. Pol'y & Globalization 52 (2021)
The Political Law of Commodification of Umrah Travel in Indonesia

handle is hein.journals/jawpglob108 and id is 53 raw text is: Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization                                                         www.inste.or
ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online)
Vol.108, 2021
The Political Law of Commodification of Umrah Travel
in Indonesia
Imron Rosyadi, Nur Syam, Sahid HM
Islamic Studies Program, Postgraduate UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
Umrah is a very promising market in terms of economy. Umrah is not only used as a means of worship, but as a
tourist trip, which is used as a commodity by travel businessmen. The change in the meaning of Umrah by
business people has an impact on the shift in meaning in society. Umrah is used as a sign of lifestyle
improvement. The Commodification of Umrah is part of the commodification of religion. In running the
business of Umrah, religious leaders are often clashed with various forms of problems that lead to legal issues.
This research uses a multidisciplinary approach that uses two branches of science in solving problems, this
research is classified in cross-field studies, between law and religious sciences. This research focuses on the
study of The Political Law of Commodification of Umrah Travel and Aspects in the Implementation of Umrah.
The problem of commodification of Umrah can be raised after finding the visible impact during and or after the
implementation of the activity. The impact of commodification is divided into two kinds, namely direct and
indirect impacts. The dimensions of Umrah activities can be divided into two, namely religious and non-religious
dimensions. The religious dimension is a very dominant dimension can be seen in the implementation of Umrah.
Religion or worship is the reason for performing Umrah. The non-religious aspect is a secondary aspect but
cannot be eliminated in the implementation of Umrah. Non-religious aspects are socio-cultural, economic, and
political dimensions.
Keywords: commodification, travel, Umrah, legal politics, business
DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/108-06
Publication date: April 30th 2021
Nowadays, Umrah trip is not only used as a means of worship, but also as a tourist trip, so that the destination is
used as a commodity by travel businessmen. Travel businesses provide various forms of services in the form of
facilities in accordance with the price and length of travel and present evidences about the virtues of Umrah
delivered by religious leaders as partners.1 The involvement of religious leaders in Umrah business activities is
interesting to discuss, because the business leads to the commodification of religion. Commodification comes
from the word commodity which means goods or services that become business objects. In this case, religion is
used as an object of product or business strategy which one of the products is Umrah. Umrah is becoming a
business commodity at this time that is inseparable from the use of religion as a business strategy.
In business competition, travel parties strive to set high targets through various promotions. To obtain a
good image, the travel party includes religious leaders as an instrument to attract the trust of pilgrims. Therefore,
religion becomes a proportion of morality, so that the congregation trusts religious leaders more than business
people who do not have a religious background.2
This is in addition to the financial losses as well as the collapse of religious authority. Religion is used as an
instrument of strategy that is considered effective in instilling trust, so that mistakes made by individuals have an
impact on the institution.3 In this case religious leaders are seen as figures who have the depth of religious
knowledge, noble ethics, and broad influence.4 Therefore, the study of utilitarianism on the commodification of
Umrah travel sees religious leaders as determinants that have an impact on society as prospective Umrah
pilgrims. The commodification of Umrah contains two legal subjects, namely travel agents and Umrah
practitioners. Travel agents sell Umrah services, while Umrah actors can use the Umrah experience as a
In running Umrah travel business, religious leaders are involved in the guidance of worship rituals. The
reputation of religious leaders is influential on the level of travel promotion. The charisma of religious leaders
has a significant influence in addressing issues outside of religion.5 Moreover, religious leaders are involved in
'Riwayat Al-Bukhari Nomor 1650 Kitab al-Hajj Bab Kewajiban Umrah dan Keutamaannya; Muslim Nomor 2403; al-Nasai Nomor 2582
2 Muchsin Muthohar dan Amin Ramadhan Triatmaja, 2013, Pengaruh Endorser Ulama terhadap Sikap dan Minat Beli Konsumen, The
Influence ofIslamic Preacher toward the Attitude and Consumers Purchase Intention, Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi 19, No. 1, p. 87.
Roger Friedland, 2009, Institution, Practice, and Ontology: Toward Religious Sosiology, Research in Sociology of Organization 27, No. 6:
p. 45-48
a Zainal Abidin, 2015, The Jihad of Economic: The Spirit of Islamic Economic Movement by Kyai in Madura, Jumal Share, Volume 4.
Nomor 2 (July-December 2015), p. 166-186.
s Yanwar Pribadi, 2011, Strongmen and Religious Leaders in Java: Their Dynamic Relationship in Search of Power, Al-Jami'ah 49, No. 1.


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