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105 Iowa L. Rev. 171 (2019-2020)
Drugs' Other Side-Effects

handle is hein.journals/ilr105 and id is 181 raw text is: 

                 Drugs' Other Side-Effects

                                 Craigj Konnoth*

     ABSTRACT: Drugs often induce unintended, adverse physiological reactions
     in those that take them-what we commonly refer to as side-effects.
     However, drugs can produce other, broader, unintended, even         non-
     physiological harms. For example, some argue that taking Truvada, a drug
     that prevents HIV transmission, increases promiscuity and decreases condom
     use. Expensive Hepatitis C treatments threaten to bankrupt state Medicaid
     programs. BiDil, which purported to treat heart conditions for self-identifzed
     African-Americans, has been criticized for reifying racial categories. Although
     the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has broad discretion under the
     Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Act (FDCA ) to regulate drugs, it generally
     considers only traditional side-effects. Neither the agency, courts, nor scholars
     have offered a systematic account of how to regulate collateral effects that do
     not involve direct physiological harm to the drug's recipient.
     This Article more clearly defines these harms and explains why and how the
     FDA should take them into account. It starts by offering three characteristics
     that distinguish these harms from those the FDA traditionally considers. First,
     unlike traditional harms, these harms are often the indirect rather than direct
     result of drug consumption. Second, they often affect third parties rather than
     the person that ingests the drug. Third, they might often raise non-health
     considerations, such as economic or moral concerns.
     Both ethically and legally, the FDA should take into account such indirect,
     third-party, and non-health harms to some degree at least. Bioethical
     considerations, administrative accountability and practice, as well as
     pragmatic policy interests, all counsel considering these harms. But how
     should the FDA do so? As the Article explains, the FDCA offers a variety of
     choices forFDA intervention, ranging in intensityfrom flat approval refusals
     to mandating labeling or prescription guidelines. In most cases, various
     considerations suggest that more limited forms of intervention are usually
     appropriate to address these harms.

     *  Associate Professor of Law, University of Colorado School of Law. My thanks to Patti
Zettler, Hank Greeley, Lewis Grossman, and Pierre Schlag for helpful conversations and detailed
comments. My thanks also to participants of the Colorado Law Works in Progress Workshop, the
Stanford Law Biolawpalooza, the Health Law Professors Conference, the Mid-Atlantic Health Law
Conference, and the Duke Culp Colloquium.

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