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53 Advoc. Q. 75 (2022-2023)
Recreational Facility Operators Beware: "Ticket" Cases Revisited Apps v Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd, 2020 BCCA 78

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Melissa  Liauw and  Jean-Claude  Velasquez

                        Table  of Contents
 Introduction ............................................ 75
 Apps v. Grouse Mountain Resorts Ltd. ............................ 76
 Legal Principles  .........................................  . 77
 Provincial Occupiers' Legislation  ..............................  78
     British Columbia's Occupiers Liability Act .................... . 78
     O ntario . . . ... .. . ... . . . ... . . . .. . .. . ... . . . .. .. . . . . .. . 78
     A lberta . . . ... . . . .. . . . . ... . .. .. . . . .... . . .. . .. . . . . .. . 78
     M anitoba ......................................... . 79
     N ova Scotia  ..... ...................................    79
     Prince Edward Island .................................. 80
Location of the W aiver.....................................  .81
Distinctiveness of the W aiver................................. .82
Pre-Contract Constructive Knowledge of Other Waivers .............. 83
Post-Contract Notice of the Waiver Clause  ....................... .84
C onclusion .......... ..... .......... .......  ...... . ..... 85
Recom m endation ........................................  85


   Organized  recreation  is at an  all-time high.  Sporting  and
recreational activities, such as skiing and all-terrain vehicle riding,
are accessible to the general public for a cost. Inherent in organized
recreation, however,  is liability risk.' With liability risk comes
liability waivers. Also known   as a pre-emptive  or  exculpatory
release, a liability waiver constitutes a relinquishing of a right to a
future claim by  contract that may  preclude a lawsuit.2 Liability
waivers can be signed or unsigned. This paper focuses on unsigned
liability waivers, also known as exclusion of liability waivers.

*   The authors are third-year students in the English Common Law program at
    the University of Ottawa. We are grateful to Professor Stephen Blair and
    Mr. Justice Todd L. Archibald for their feedback and guidance in writing
    this paper.
1.  Susan E Gunter, Waiver of Liability in Recreation Cases in Todd L
    Archibald, ed, Annual Review of Civil Litigation 2017 (Toronto: Thomson
    Reuters, 2017) 405 at 405.
2.  Ibid; Fred D Cass, The Law of Releases in Canada (Aurora: Canada Law
    Book, 2006) at 151.


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