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2020 Pandectele Romane 59 (2020)
Protection of Personal Data in the Activity of Judicial Enforcement Officers. When Do Emergency, Alert and Pandemic Become Catalysts for Breach of Data Regulations?

handle is hein.journals/rpanderom2020 and id is 803 raw text is: 

Protectia datelor cu caracter personal in

activitatea executorilor judecatoregti. Cand

devin urgenta, alerta  i pandemia catalizatori

ai  incalcarii reglementarilor privind datele?

Prof   univ.  dr. Daniel-Mihail  ANDRU]


             The forced digitization of any activity, which takes place through the Internet,
             has brought not only the possibility of continuing the activity in the light of the
             restrictions imposed by the pandemic but also the addition of risks for controllers.
             Most risks relate to the security of the processing of personal data, the encrypted
             transfer of data, the use of legal grounds for specific purposes as well as the
             confidentiality and integrity of data. The article analyzes some situations that
             occurred in Romania during the SARS-2 coronavirus pandemic  by using research
             methods  ranging from questionnaires and interviews to interpreting the texts of
             court decisions and the General Regulation on Data Protection (RGPD).

             R EZUMAT

             Digitalizarea fortat5 a oricarei activitati, care se desf65oar5 prin intermediul
             internetului, a adus nu doar posibilitatea continuarii activitatii in conditiile
             restrictiilor impuse de pandemie dar 5i adaugarea unor riscuri pentru operatori. Cele
             mai multe riscuri se refers la securitatea prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal,
[ Daniel-Mihail  andru este cercetstor §tiintific gr. I, a fondat §i coordoneazs Centrul de Studii de Drept European al
Institutului de Cercetsri Juridice ,Acad. Andrei Rsdulescu al Academiei Romane. Profesor universitar la Universitatea
Cregtins Dimitrie Cantemir §i Universitatea din Bucuregti. Judecstor ad hoc la Curtea Europeans a Drepturilor Omului §i
arbitru la Curtea de Arbitraj Comercial International de pe langs Camera de Comert §i Industrie a Romaniei. Pregedinte
al Societatii de  tiinte Juridice §i Pregedinte de onoare al Asociatiei Romane de Drept §i Afaceri Europene. Redactor §ef
al Revistei Romane de Drept European (Wolters Kluwer). Poate fi contactat la adresa mihai.sandru@csde.ro Pagina web:
www.mihaisandru.ro Materialul a fost pregstit pentru Conferinta ,Urgenta, alerta saupandemia - concepte ale executarii
silite, organizats de Editura Universul Juridic in mediul on line (universuljuridic.ro) la data de 28 iulie 2020. Lucrarea
a fost finalizats la 28 iulie 2020, data la care au fost accesate ultima data paginile web la care face trimitere articolul.
Multumesc pentru sugestiile oferite de Ruxandra Sava, in mod evident, intreaga responsabilitate revine autorului.

DOCTRINA           PANDECTELE ROMANE  NR. 4/2020 159

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