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23 J. Legal Ethical & Regul. Isses 1 (2020)
Development of the Civil Legal System in Saudi Arabia

handle is hein.journals/jnlolletl23 and id is 628 raw text is: Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues

Awad Ali Alanzi, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University
The civil societies need civil legal system to be operative in the environment of justice
and equity. Civilization and unification of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are also gone through
the process of development in building a sound legal system in the Kingdom. This research
discovers the development of the constitution, administrative law, commercial law and financial
laws in the Saudi Arabia. We discussion on the historical development of constitution,
administrative law, commercial law and financial laws in the Saudi Arabia. We observed that
basic teachings of Islam including Qur'an, Hadith and Fiqh are the main sources to fill the
legislative gaps but most of the codes of laws are derived from the French law in the mentioned
domains in Saudi Arabia. Following the French law, the Islamic principles have never been
ignored in developing the constitution, administrative law, commercial law and financial laws.
This is a first study which discussed a comprehensive development of constitution, administrative
law, commercial law and financial laws in the Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: Civil Legal System, Saudi Arabia, Teaching of Islam, Constitution, Administrative
Law, Commercial Law Financial Laws.
The Arabian Peninsula has been home to millions of people for over 20,000 years. States
rose and fell throughout the ages, each contributing cultures, customs, lore, and law to future
generations. Once thought to be only nomadic Bedouins, these people created and maintained the
economic lifelines known as caravan routes with oases where weary travelers might pause their
journey to rest and share knowledge of other places and times to teach, to learn, to experience
something new. Logic suggests that it may have been through these types of casual and planned
meetings that new cultures and laws may have developed.
There is a school of thought that promotes the theory that laws are created by man to
serve man. This theory is flawed. The situational needs create laws, and the legal system of the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a perfect example of this. The law is meant to assist humans to live
safe and fulfilled lives with respect for others but humans are ever changing and the law must
keep up or fail them. The law must always be ahead of the curve to protect themselves from
themselves. The Kingdom has been confronting this issue by establishing Civil law schools in
the hopes of training quality legal experts to assist the government and the people, but there is a
gap that must be closed between the reality and legal theories for there to be actual progress.
There is only one thing that can close that gap which is improved the civil law,
commercial, criminal and international law educational programs offering training and
certification to qualified graduates to practice law in the Kingdom. Critical efforts must be put


Volume 23, Issue 4, 2020


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