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17 U.C. Davis Bus. L.J. 101 (2016-2017)
Virtual Reality: The Real Life Consequences

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                              ROYA BAGHERI*


       Virtual Reality has emerged as the next major technology to impact
industry and change business models. As it expands into various markets and
becomes more prevalent in society, proper regulations should be put in place to
protect consumers and address widespread legal issues. This paper discusses the
history and growth of Virtual Reality technology, the major legal concerns that
loom over its expansion, and proposed recommendations on regulations and
safeguards. The paper argues that in order to balance innovation and consumer
protection, privacy should be immediately regulated, but the other legal issues of
intellectual property, physical and torts risks, and first amendment rights should
only be regulated as and when the issues emerge.

                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

I. IN TRO DU CTION   .................................................................................................  102
II. W HAT IS  VIRTUAL  REALITY?  ........................................................................... 103
III. H ISTORY  OF  VIRTUAL  REALITY  ....................................................................... 104
IV. CURRENT VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY ................................................... 106
      A . P riv acy  ................................................................................................  10 9
      B . Intellectual Property: ........................................................................... 112
      C . Physical and  Torts  Risks  ..................................................................... 114
      D. First Amendment Freedom of Speech ................................................ 116
VI. RECOMMENDATIONS ON REGULATION ........................................................... 117
      A . Privacy  R egulation  ..............................................................................  118
      B. Intellectual Property, Torts, and First Amendment Regulation .......... 119
V II. C ON CLU SION  ................................................................................................  120

*Roya Bagheri, UC Davis School of Law, 2017; B.A., Boston College, 2013. I would like to thank
the UC Davis Business Law Journal for giving me the opportunity to publish this paper and for
their excellent editorial work. I'm very grateful to Professor Albert Lin, Khushi Desai and my
family for their support.

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