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2018 Pandectele Romane 26 (2018)
Critical View on the Jurisprudence of the EU Court of Justice regarding the Interpretation of Art. 8 on the Protection of Personal Data in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CDFUE)

handle is hein.journals/rpanderom2018 and id is 26 raw text is: 

Privire critica asupra jurisprudentei Curtii de

Justitie a UE referitor [a interpretarea art. 8

privind protectia datelor cu caracter persona[

din Carta drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii

Europene (CDFUE)

Dr. Adriana-Maria SANDRU1]


           Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union is one of the
           newly introduced rights in the European citizens' rights charter by the Treaty of
           Lisbon. The study examines the most important judgments of the Court of Justice of
           the European Union, as we[[ as some judgments of Romanian courts. It underlines
           the significant role of the Court of Justice in the application and interpretation
           of secondary European standards, such as the Data Protection Directive and the
           Regulation no. 2016/679 / EU.

           REZU MAT

           Artico[u[ 8 din Carta Drepturi[or Fundamenta[e a Uniunii Europene se situeaz6
           intre drepturi[e nou introduse in cata[ogu[ de drepturi ale cet~teni[or europeni
           prin Tratatu[ de [a Lisabona. Studiu[ are in vedere ce[e mai importante hot~r~ri
           pronuntate de Curtea de Justitie a Uniunii Europene, precum si c~teva hot~r~ri
           ale instante[or din RomAnia. Se sub[iniaz6 ro[u[ semnificativ a[ Curtii dejustitie in
           contextu[ ap[ic~rii si interpret~rii norme[or europene secundare, cum ar fi directiva
           referitoare [a protectia date[or si Regu[amentu[ nr. 2016/679/UE.

  Conferinta National[ ,Comunititi virtuale in epoca Regulamentului General privind Protectia Datelor, organizata [a
Galati, la data de 23 noiembrie 2017, de Universitatea Danubius din Galati. Documentele on-line au fost consultate
ultima data [a 10 februarie 2018.


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