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2020 R.R.D.E. 39 (2020)
The Peculiarities of Applying Corrective Measures in the Field of Data Protection, to Operators in the Financial Sector

handle is hein.journals/rianrwioe2020 and id is 39 raw text is: Particularitaile aplicarii m-surilor corective
in domeniu[ proteciei datelor,
operatorilor din sectorut financiar
Dr. Irina ALEXEN11
Prof. univ. dr. Daniel-Mihail  ANDRUI2I
The processing of personal data in the field of financial services implies the
understanding of an entire ecosystem. From the relationship between the European
Central Bank and the national / central banks and then the relationship between
those and commercial banks, until the creation of risk protection instruments,
including by outlining customers the General Data Protection Regulation and
the Regulation 2018/1725, respectively. All these are aiming at contributing
to the smooth operation and security of data. Due to the fact that both the
banking system and the insurance field are considered elements of the essential
infrastructure, being essential service operators, the provisions of the NIS Directive
are applicable, which leads to a greater focus on the computer and physical security
of data. The Romanian national data protection authority has applied corrective
measures and even sanctions to the operators in the reference fields analysed here,
banking and insurance, these probably having not only the mathematical effect
of the payment of fines or the implementation of procedures or the obligation
to follow some demands as well as image impact, the news being taken over by
both the business media and general online publications. The courts are still at the
beginning and important decisions are still awaited, perhaps even at the level of
the Court of Justice of the European Union.
The corrective measures ordered so far by the Romanian data protection authority
are analysed both with regard to the measures for the implementation of the
General Data Protection Regulation and with regard to the reasoning structure
N Cercetator stiintific asociat la Institutul de Cercetari Juridice ,Acad. Andrei RAdulescu al Academiei Romane. Autor al
unor volume si articole in domeniu, arile sale de interes vizeaza dreptul administrativ, dreptul constitutional si dreptul
european. Poate fi contactata la adresa irina_alexe@yahoo.com
[ Daniel-Mihail Sandru a fondat si coordoneaza Centrul de Studii de Drept European al Institutului de Cercetari Juridice
,Acad. Andrei RAdulescu al Academiei Romane. Profesor universitar la Universitatea Cresting Dimitrie Cantemir
si Universitatea din Bucuresti. Poate fi contactat la adresa mihai.sandru@csde.ro Pagina web: www.mihaisandru.ro
Materialul a fost pregAtit pentru cea de-a patra Conferinta europeana a serviciilor financiare (European Conference
on Financial Services - ECFS 2020) - Noua arhitectura a serviciilor financiare - inovatie si excelentA, 5-6 martie 2020,
Brasov, organizata de Institutul de Studii Financiare si de Centrul de Arbitraj si Mediere in Asigurari (ACAMA). Trimiterile
web au fost verificate sau/si accesate ultima data la 5 februarie 2020.


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