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3 NEXUS 13 (1998)
Liberalism in the Major Media

handle is hein.journals/nex3 and id is 17 raw text is: Liberalism in the
Major Media
by John Hood'

s the media fair? To many
observers, the answer to
this question is obvious.

Media critics,
many of them
or Republi-
cans, would
say that the
media's left-
ward bias in
news and
ment is un-
Media defend-
ers, both
themselves as

of President Clinton's sex scan-
dals in recent months is prima
facie evidence that the media isn't

I would submit that
the media, both news
and entertainment, are
guilty of being biased,
but that the bias lies
less in political parti-
sanship and more in
the area of ideological

well as left-of-center critics, would
say that most reporters - regard-
less of ideology - strive to be fair,
and that the exhaustive coverage

tilted in a
In my view,
the various
sides of the
media fair-
ness debate
are simply
talking past
each other.
Each looks
among the
plethora of
media images
we all see

every day for evidence that fits a
preconceived notion - that the
media are either fair or biased.
On any given day, in fact, there is

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