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11 GNLU J.L. Dev. & Pol. 1 (2021)
Conservation of Environment and Natural Resources: A Select Study

handle is hein.journals/gnlujldp11 and id is 13 raw text is: Conservation of Environment and Natural
Resources: A Select Study
-Rajiv Khare & Pratima Parihar
A bstract-our country, i.e. India, was known as a golden
bird for its abundance of natural resource- base. Ours
was primarily a duty-oriented society with the rich practices
of conservation of natural resources and harmonious living.
However, with the advent of technology & science coupled
with a quest of development guided upon the anthropocentric
approach -human beings having greater intrinsic value than
other species-looked the nature as a means to serve the causes
and convenience of mankind and the same creeped into the
Indian society as well and, it once started in late 19th century,
continues to dominate our interaction with nature resulting in
loss of glory and rich traditions of nature conservation. This
paper, in this backdrop, is divided in three parts wherein Part- I
presents the constitutional and legal dimensions of conservation
and management of natural resources in our country in post
independent India giving a brief account of the relevant
provisions and policy initiatives to understand as to how the two
organs of the state i.e. Legislature and Executive have contributed
in governance of natural resources. It then presents an overview
of the judicial attitude/approaches by making a critical analysis
of selected few judicial decisions handed down during the
period 2011 to 2020. This part presents resource-specific judicial
approaches and its contributions, viz. water resources, forest
resources, conservation and protection of wildlife, plants &
birds, management and conservation of mines and mineral
resources, conservation of natural resources and environment
clearances, environmental pollution  creating  inroads in
conservation of natural resources etc. The findings of the study
and emerging scenario have been presented in the last part of
this paper. The judicial directions reflect a gradual transition
from anthropocentric to eco-centric approach in conservation
and management of natural resources. The eco-centric approach,

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