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24 Brown J. World Aff. 23 (2017-2018)
Spindle Autocracy in the New Turkey

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             Spindle Autocracy in

                   the New Turkey

                              JENNY   WHITE

SINCE TURKEY'S  FOUNDING   IN 1923, Islam has played an important role in uni-
fying the Turkish nation around various nationalist narratives and rituals while
simultaneously providing  a basis for challenging that unity. Islam has worked
to support as well as oppose the secularist vision enunciated by Turkey's first
president, Mustafa Kemal  Atatiirk, who implemented  a series of radical West-
ernizing reforms. After his death in 1938, his followers (Kemalists) committed
themselves to protecting what they perceived to be his program and values. Typi-
cally, scholars have reduced the core of Turkey's conflicts to an Islam-secularism
divide. However, this is not a particularly useful lens for understanding political     23
developments  in Turkey, which has lurched from political crisis to political crisis
on average every decade since its founding. While Islam has been central to the
development  of what Turkey's current president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, calls the
New  Turkey by motivating his conservative followers and intensifying tensions
with those continuing to espouse Kemalism,  there are other, more fundamen-
tally disruptive forces at work, of which competing nationalisms are a symptom
rather than a cure. The feud that is currently driving the Turkish descent into
autocracy is not, as one might expect, between secularists and Islamists, but is
instead between two  moderate  Sunni Islamic networks, the ruling Justice and
Development   Party (Adalet ve Kalkinma  Partisi, AKP) and Fethullah Gillen's
Hizmet  movement.  The dynamics  of group formation and competitive networks
in Turkey may  provide a better explanation of Turkey's cycles of political frag-
mentation  and collapse than a focus on Islam, which-despite its centrality in

JENNY WHITE is a social anthropologist and professor at the Stockholm University Institute for Turkish
Studies. She served as President of the Turkish Studies Association and of the American Anthropological
Association Middle East Section. Relying on over thirty years of field research, interviews, textual data,
and surveys, her research applies insights from cultural anthropology to the study of politics, nationalism,
and Islam in Turkey, with a particular focus on group formation and competitive networks.
Copyright © 2017 by the Brown journal ofWorldAffairs


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