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24 Am. U. J. Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. 175 (2015-2016)
Intellectual Property and Gender: Reflections on Accomplishments and Methodology

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                        KARA W. SWANSON*

I. Introduction  ........................................................................................... 175
II. A ccom plishm ents ................................................................................. 177
      A. Generating Scholarship and Creating Connections .................. 177
      B . Scholarly  Contributions  ............................................................ 182
          1. Analyzing Gender Disparity ............................................... 183
          2. Analyzing the Application of IP Doctrines to Gendered
             and Sexualized Subject M atter .......................................... 184
          3. Analyzing IP Doctrines as Gendered ................................. 185
III. Beyond A ccom plishm ents .................................................................. 186
      A. Translation, Transcendence and Transmittal ............................ 187
      B. Personal Reflections on Transmittal ......................................... 190
IV . C onclusion  .......................................................................................... 195
A ppendix A ................................................................................................ 195

                          I. INTRODUCTION
  This essay answers the invitation of the organizers of the annual
Intellectual Property/Gender  Symposium    at  American   University

. Professor of Law, Northeastern University School of Law. B.S., Yale University;
M.A./J.D., University of California - Berkeley, Ph.D., Harvard University. Email:
k.swanson@neu.edu. I would like to thank my fellow panelists and audiences at
Putting IP in Place, an interdisciplinary workshop in Montreal, Quebec, 2014; the
annual meeting of the European Policy for Intellectual Property Association, Brussels,
Belgium, 2014; the First Annual Mosaic Conference:   Diverse Voices in IP
Scholarship, Marquette University School of Law, 2014; and the 7'h and 111 Annual
IP/Gender Symposium, American University Washington College of Law, 2010 and
2015, as well as Ann Bartow, Dan Burk, and Jessica Silbey for helpful comments and
contributions. I was aided by the research assistance of Jazmin Kirby.

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