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77 Tex. L. Rev. 1845 (1998-1999)
Money, Agenda Setting, and Direct Democracy

handle is hein.journals/tlr77 and id is 1861 raw text is: 

Money, Agenda Setting, and Direct Democracy

Elizabeth Garrett*

I.   Qualifying an Initiative: The Importance of Wealth  ....... 1849
     A.   Using Paid Circulators Guarantees Ballot Access ...... 1849
     B. The Significance of Ballot Access in Shaping the Policy
          Agenda ................................ 1854

II. Expanding the Influence of Grassroots Organizations ...... 1863
     A.   Why Certain Reforms Could Empower Grassroots Groups          1864
     B. Assessing the Criticism of Reforms that Expand Direct
          Democracy .............................. 1868

III. Reforms to Address the Disproportionate Influence of Money in
     Petition Drives ............................... 1873
     A.   The Volunteer Bonus Proposal ................. 1873
     B.   Public Financing Reforms .................... 1876
     C. Disclosure Requirements Affecting Petition Drives     ..... 1879

IV. Conclusion ................................. 1889

   * Professor of Law, University of Chicago. I appreciate the helpful comments of David Charny,
Dick Fallon, Phil Frickey, Barry Friedman, Jane Garrett, Jack Goldsmith, Marci Hamilton, Dan
Kahan, Dan Lowenstein, Dan Meltzer, Frank Michelman, Richard Parker, Rick Pildes, Eric Posner,
Mark Raniseyer, Adrian Vermeule, and participants at this symposium and the N.Y.U. Colloquium in
Constitutional Theory, as well as the excellent research assistance of Veronica Spicer. I am also
grateful for the financial support of the Robert B. Roesing Faculty Fund and the Unrestricted Faculty
Fund at the University of Chicago Law School.

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