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83 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1835 (2014-2015)
Debunking Humphrey's Executor

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        Debunking Humphrey's Executor

                            Daniel  A.  Crane*

        The Supreme Court's 1935 Humphrey's Executor decision paved the way
    for the modern administrative state by holding that Congress could constitu-
    tionally limit the President's powers to remove heads of regulatory agencies.
    The Court articulated a quartet of features of the Federal Trade Commission's
    (FTC) statutory design that ostensibly justified the Commission's constitu-
    tional independence. It was to be nonpartisan and apolitical, uniquely expert,
    and performing quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial, rather than executive,
    functions. In recent years, the staying power of Humphrey's Executor has
    been called into question as a matter of constitutional design. This Essay re-
    considers Humphrey's Executor from a different angle. At the end of a one-
    hundred-year natural experiment, the Commission bears almost no resem-
    blance to the Progressive-technocratic vision articulated by the Court. The
    Commission  is not politically independent, uniquely expert, or principally leg-
    islative or adjudicative. Rather, it is essentially a law enforcement agency be-
    holden to the will of Congress. This finding has potentially important
    implications for agency design, constitutional doctrine and theory, and under-
    standing of agency functioning.

INTRODUCTION         ................................................. 1836
    I.  HUMPHREY'S EXECUTOR IN CONTEXT .................. 1840
        A.  Myers,  Humphrey's Executor, and the Progressive
            Vision  for Technocratic   Independence............... 1840
        B.  Presidential  Control  After Humphrey's Executor.... 1846
        C.  Why   Reconsideration? The FTC and Progressivism
            at One  Hundred        ............................. 1850
   II.  HUMPHREY'S EXECUTOR DEBUNKED                ................... 1851
        A.  Nonpartisan   and  Politically Independent   .......... 1852
        B.  Uniquely   Expert          .............................   1856
        C.  Quasi-Legislative...         ...................... 1859
        D.  Quasi-Judicial...          ...............      ........   1863
        CHARACTER .................................         ........... 1868

    *  Associate Dean for Faculty and Research and Frederick Paul Furth, Sr. Professor of
Law, University of Michigan. I have benefited greatly in the writing of this Essay from com-
ments from Nick Bagley, Bill Kovacic, Joan Larsen, Julian Mortenson, Adam Pritchard, Peter
Strauss, and from various participants at a conference on the centennial anniversary of the Fed-
eral Trade Commission held at The George Washington University Law School and a faculty
workshop at the University of Michigan. Jennifer Fischell provided excellent research assis-
tance, including the hand coding of the enforcement decisions reported in Section II.

November 2015 Vol. 83 No. 6


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