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29 Holocaust & Genocide Stud. 515 (2015)
Recently Published Works in Holocaust and Genocide Studies

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Recently Published Works in Holocaust

and Genocide Studies

Most  of the  entries in this bibliography were  catalogued  in the Online  Computer
Library  Center  (OCLC) database between April 1, 2015 and July 31, 2015. This
search is based largely on pre-publication information; titles may have been  changed
or cancelled.

Reference Works

Anguis Fuster, Roberto. Comunicacion que  no discrimina: Guia para comunicadores. Lima:
Ministerio de Cultura, 2014. 38 pp., ill., bibl. Racism in mass media, Peru.

Baranowski, Daniel, and Uwe Neumdirker, eds. Sprechen trotz allem: Das Videoarchiv der Stiftung
Denkmal fir die ermordeten juden Europas. Berlin: Stiftung Denkmal fir die ermordeten Juden
Europas, 2014. 188 pp., ill., map. Personal narratives, audio-visual aids, catalogs.

Miron, Gai, and Shulhani Shlomit, eds. Die Yad Vashem Enzyklopaedie der Ghettos wihrend des
Holocaust. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2014. lxxx + 1091 pp., ill., maps.

Nerdinger, Winfried, ed. Miinchen und der Nationalsozialismus: Katalog des NS Dokumentationszentrums
Mfinchen. Munich: C.H. Beck, 2015. 623 pp., ill.

Online Hate Prevention Institute. How to Combat Online Antisemitism: Fight Online Bad Guys,
Make a Real World Impact! Caulfield South, Victoria, Australia: Online Hate Prevention Institute,
2015. E-book, 63 pp.

Pennetier, Claude, ed. Lesfusillis, 1940-1944: Dictionnaire biographique desfusillis et exdcutis par
condamnation et comme  otages et guillotinds eni France pendant l'Occupation. Ivry-sur-Seine,
France: Atelier, 2015. 1950 pp., ill., bibl.

The  Holocaust and Other Nazi-Era Crimes

Altman, I.A., Iu. Tsaruski, I K. Feferman, eds., Votbleske Khrustal'noii nochi: Evreiskaia obshchina
Ii~rdgsberga. Presledovanie i spasenie evreev Evropy. Materialy 8-ii Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii
Uroki Kholokosta i sovremennaia Rossiia. Moscow: APART, 2014. 248 pp., bibl. Holocaust,
Kanigsberg, military and naval history.

Ardanowski, Jan Krzysztof, and Pawel Sztama. Z glebokoici wolam do ciebie ..: Tragedia kobiet
pochodzenia zydowskiego, wiczionych i mordowanych w  podobozach KL  Stutthof w okolicach
Toruniaw ostatich miesiqcach II wojny swiatowej. Brodnica: Kiko, 2014. 213 pp., ill.

Babel, Andreas. Kindermord im Krankenhaus: Warum Mediziner wdhrend des Nationalsozialismus
in Rothenburgsort behinderte Kinder t5teten. Bremen: Falkenberg, 2015. 224 pp., ill., bibl.

Babits, Antal. Magyar holokauszt 70: vesztesigek is felel~ssdgek. Budapest: Logos, 2014. 287 pp.

Banach, Krzysztof, Marta Grudziriska, and Wojciech Lenarczyk. Wiiniowie Majdanka: Katalog
wystawy. Lublin, Poland: Paristwowe Muzeum na Majdanku, 2015. 119 pp., ill., CD. Poland, exhibi-

Barnouw, David. Oorlog en bezetting: Nederland in 1940-1945--de geschiedenis in topstukken uit
het NIOD-archief. Amsterdam: Hollands Diep, 2015. 215 pp., ill., bibl.

Barton, Waltraud, ed. Maly Trostinec: Den Toten ihre Namen geben. Das Totenbuch der bsterreichischen
Opfer der Shoa in Weissrussland. Vienna: Bahlau, 2015. 400 pp., ill.

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