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141 Banking L.J. 299 (2024)
World Bank Group's Watchful Eye: A Reminder of How Minor Ethical Breaches Can Result in Major Problems

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        World Bank Group's Watchful Eye: A

    Reminder of How Minor Ethical Breaches

             Can Result in Major Problems

      By Brian  L. Howard   II, Andreina Escobar  and  Aurra  Fellows*
  In this article, the authors discuss the anti-fraud and anti-corruption regulations of
  multilateral development banks.

  While  much   attention is given to compliance with applicable laws, such as
the U.S. Foreign Corrupt  Practices Act of 1977, many companies  working on
projects sponsored  by  multilateral development  banks  (MDBs or MDB)
overlook that they have subjected themselves to an entirely separate regime of
anti-fraud and  anti-corruption  regulations with  serious consequences  for
non-compliance.  These  regulations can exceed the requirements of the appli-
cable laws in some  areas, and MDBs   have  a history of enforcing regulatory
breaches that would not  interest most government regulators.

   The World  Bank  Group's  enforcement  arm, the Office of Suspension and
Debarment   (OSD),  has had a strong 2024 so far - since January, it has added
more  than 60 new entities and individuals to its Listing of Ineligible Firms and
Individuals.' Such  debarred entities and individuals are prohibited from
participation or nomination of any kind in projects receiving funding from the
World   Bank  Group   or, in most  cases, any other  MDBs,   including  as a
subcontractor, consultant, supplier, or service provider.2 Additionally, any loans
already given  can be  cancelled. This robust enforcement  serves as a stark

    The authors, attorneys with Vinson & Elkins LLP, may be contacted at bhoward@velaw.
com, aescobar@velaw.com and afellows@velaw.com, respectively.
    Procurement - World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals, The World Bank
Group, https://www.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/procurement/debarred-firms (last vis-
ited April 10, 2024). Published on the World Bank Group's website, this listing compiles all
individuals or entities ineligible for World Bank Group-financed projects due to violations of the
World Bank Group's anticorruption guidelines and policies.
  2 The need for effective compliance programs is especially crucial as the World Bank Group
and other MDBs have agreed to enforce each other's debarments in cases where the debarment
exceeds one year. In other words, one-year and longer debarments from the World Bank Group
or another MDB would also be automatically adopted by all the other MDBs without an
opportunity for advocacy or argument, including by the Asian Development Bank, African
Development Bank Group, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and Inter-
American Development Bank Group.


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