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93 Notre Dame L. Rev. 1999 (2017-2018)
The Branch Best Qualified to Abolish Immunity

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                          ABOLISH IMMUNITY

                                   Scott Michelman*

     Qualified immunity-the legal doctrine that shields government officials from suit for con-
stitutional violations unless the right they violate is sufficiently clear that every reasonable offi-
cial would have understood that what he is doing violates that right --has come under
increasing judicial and scholarly criticism from diverse ideological viewpoints. This Essay con-
siders the question of which branch of government should fix it. I take as a starting point the
many critiques of qualified immunity and then turn to the question of whether courts should wait
for Congress to reform this problematic doctrine. Do considerations of stare decisis or institu-
tional competence counsel in favor in leaving to Congress the task of reform?
     I argue that they do not. In light of the Supreme Court's persistent and pervasive involve-
ment with the development of all aspects of modern qualified immunity doctrine, from its content
to its scope to the manner and timing of its assertion and resolution in the courts, qualified
immunity has become a special province of the Court rather than a mere byproduct of statutory
interpretation that should be corrected (if at all) by Congress. The Court is best positioned to
understand the effects of the doctrine on the development of constitutional law.
     Moreover, the criteria to which the Court traditionally looks in deciding whether it should
 overrule a precedent counsel in favor of judicial reform. The factual and legal foundations
 underlying qualified immunity have been eroded. The doctrine is unworkable, producing contra-
 dictions and confusions and stultifying the development of constitutional law. Although it is
 reasonable to assume that officers and municipal governments rely on the protection of qualified
 immunity for the protection of municipal coffers, the Court should not, and in prior cases did
 not, afford weight to a reliance interest in violating the Constitution. From Pierson to Pear-
 son, qualified immunity is a mess of the Supreme Court's making, and the Supreme Court
 should clean it up.

   ©    2018 Scott Michelman. Individuals and nonprofit institutions may reproduce and
distribute copies of this Essay in any format at or below cost, for educational purposes, so
long as each copy identifies the author, provides a citation to the Notre Dame Law Review,
and includes this provision in the copyright notice.
    *   Shikes Fellow in Civil Liberties and Civil Rights and Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law
 School, and Senior Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union of the District of
 Columbia. The views expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent the
 views of the ACLU of the District of Columbia, its members, its board, or its staff. I am
 grateful for the insights of Baher Azmy, David Cole, Matt Segal, and Art Spitzer in thinking
 through the ideas in this piece, and for the thoughtful and detailed feedback of Karen
 Blum, David Cole, Jon Gould, and Joanna Schwartz on the manuscript. Any errors are
 mine alone.


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