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110 S. African L.J. 450 (1993)
Sexual Orientation and the Constitution: A Test Case for Human Rights

handle is hein.journals/soaf110 and id is 462 raw text is: SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND THE
Ad hominem Professor of Law, Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and Member of the Johannesburg Bar
The present constitutional debate in South Africa has focused
largely on three issues:
1   the form and powers of the Constitution-making bodies and their
relation to the exercise of governmental authority during the
transition to democratic rule;
2   the way in which a future Constitution, once adopted, will
be capable of being amended (the question, in other words,
of 'minority rights', minority vetoes and 'group', including
regional, protection); and
3   the extent to     which   social and    economic rights should       be
enshrined in, and capable of enforcement through, a Bill of
Rights. 1
Beyond these issues, notwithstanding justified concerns that the
interests of women, for instance, will not be adequately protected
under the new dispensation,2 a large measure of consensus appears
already to have been reached. Thus the draft Bills of Rights of both
the Government-appointed South African Law Commission3 and the
African National Congress4 accept
* Revised version of inaugural lecture delivered on 27 October 1992.
t BA (Hons) (Stell) LLB (Unisa) BCL MA (Oxon), Advocate of the Supreme Court of South
This debate is illuminated by an exchange between Etienne Mureinik and Dennis Davis: see
Etienne Mureinik 'Beyond a Charter of Luxuries: Economic Rights in the Constitution' (1992) 8
SAJHR 464; D M Davis 'The Case Against the Inclusion of Socio-economic Demands in a Bill
of Rights Except as Directive Principles' (1992) 8 SAJHR 475.
2 See, generally, Cathi Albertyn 'Achieving Equality for Women-The Limits of a Bill of
Rights' Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Working Paper
17 June 1992.
' South African Law Commission Working Paper 25 Project 58 Group and Human Rights
(1989); Interim Report (August 1991).
' A Bill of Rights for a New South Africa. A Working Document by the ANC Constitutional
Committee (Centre for Development Studies, University of the Western Cape, 1990); 'Policy
Guidelines for a Democratic South Africa' as adopted at the ANC National Policy Conference
May 1992; Draft Bill of Rights-Preliminary Revised Version February 1993.

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