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32 Fed. Probation 17 (1968)
Sex Offenders on Probation: Heterosexual Pedophiles

handle is hein.journals/fedpro32 and id is 263 raw text is: Sex Offenders on Probation:
Heterosexual Pedophiles
Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Toronto, Canada*

EDOPHILIA (literally love of children) is
best divided according to the object of the
sexual impulse, into heterosexual pedophilia
(female children), homosexual pedophilia (male
children) and undifferentiated pedophilia (both
sexes). Although all three groups have certain
factors in common, we felt that it might be more
helpful to the probation officer if we discussed
them separately. This article will concentrate on
the heterosexual pedophile and the following one
will look at homosexual pedophilia in the context
of homosexuality. Undifferentiated   pedophilia
is rather rare, but one should point out that it
usually indicates a more generalized pathological
condition approaching polymorphous perverse
sexuality, which calls for more intensive inter-
vention than probation supervision.
Most of the other cases of pedophilia can be
handled by probation supervision, with consulta-
tion when necessary. Unfortunately, sexual acts
with children are usually seen in terms of violence
-the rape or murder of a child-although these
are extremely rare occurrences. However rare,
the very human tendency to fear the worst has
created out of these sex-violence cases the arche-
type for all sexual contacts with children. In
actuality, force and coercion hardly ever play a
part in pedophilic acts.
Of course no cases are ever presented in court
or placed on probation on a charge of having
committed a heterosexual pedophilic act. The
legal terminology that is used to cover these acts
is as varied as the dialects of a mountainous
country, but with a few guidelines one can pick
out the cases of pedophilia from among the
charges of contributing to juvenile delinquency,
lewd vagrancy, indecencies with children, impair-
ing the morals of a minor, or, as in our jurisdic-
* Mr. Gigeroff is research associate in the Social
Pathology Research Section at the Clarke Institute of
Psychiatry. Dr. Mohr is head of the Social Pathology
Research Section and Dr. Turner is chief of Forensic
Service. This is the second article of a series on the
sex offender.

tion, indecent assault on a male or female, and
other such formulations.
An examination of factors related to the nature
of the heterosexual pedophilic act and the victim
enables one to identify the offender more clearly.
Out of a consideration of the relationship between
these three elements we have constructed a defini-
tion of pedophilia as the expressed desire for
immature sexual gratification with a prepubertal
child. A highly condensed account of the factors
entering into this definition is as follows:
Nature of the Act
The great majority of sexual acts in hetero-
sexual pedophilia consist of the same kind of sex-
play as is found among prepubertal children,
that is, looking, showing, touching, kissing,
fondling. The nature of the act corresponds to
the level of maturity expected at the age of the
child rather than at the age of the offender. It is
not, as popularly imagined, that the adult imposes
adult forms of sexual behavior on the child.
Penetration and intravaginal coitus is rare among
sexual -acts with children: Not only is it not feas-
ible with the majority of young children involved,
but it is clearly not the intention in pedophilia.
(With few exceptions female children do not get
involved with coitus until the age of 12 when a
small number do, and the rate increases with each
succeeding age level. This represents the starting
phase of adult heterosexual activity and its legal
control is a different problem.)
Where does the act occur? Over half of these
offences take place in the close environment of
the child, more particularly either in the home of
the offender or a home shared by the offender
and the victim. This is not so surprising when one
takes into account the relationship    between
the adult and the child discussed later. Far less
frequently does the act occur at the offender's
place of work, in his car or in some public place
such as theatre, street, or park. In short, the
place where the act occurs is usually fairly close

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