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99 Tex. L. Rev. Online 72 (2020-2021)
The United States Postal Service - The One Word That Makes All the Difference

handle is hein.journals/seealtex99 and id is 72 raw text is: Texas Law Review Online
Volume 99
The United Postal Service-The One Word
that Makes all the Difference
Jena Martint and Matthew Titolott
Letter Carrier Dwight Washington was recently delivering mail in an
Abington, PA, neighborhood when he spotted a house on fire. Washington
leapt into action, rushing to pound on the front door and also alert neighbors,
who called 911. The Postal Service employee located afire extinguisher and
a garden hose, and he battled the blaze while the home's occupants who
had been asleep  escaped to safety.... Abington Fire Marshal John Rohrer
later mailed a letter to the local Post Office. Had the fire gone unchecked
for afew more minutes, the outcome could have been devastating, Rohrer
wrote. Due to Mr. Washington's quick, responsible actions, the fire was
contained, the residents were saved from harm and the home was deemed to
be inhabitable, restoring some normalcy to the family's life. i
T Professor of Law, West Virginia University. This article was supported, in part, by a Hodges'
Fund Faculty Research Grant. The author owes a special thanks to Jaison Simms, a long-time ded-
icated mail carrier for the Postal Service, as well as to all devoted USPS employees.
TT Professor of Law, West Virginia University. This article was supported, in part, by a
Hodges' Fund Faculty Research Grant.
1. Rick Owen, Postal Employee Saves Sleeping Customers' Lives, POSTAL EMP. NETWORK
(May 10, 2019), https://postalemployeenetwork.com/news/2019/05/postal-employee-saves-sleep-
ing-customers-lives/ [https://perma.cc/V4DN-3KFU].

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