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55 Mil. L. & L. War Rev. 13 (2016-2017)
Legal Issues of Multinational Military Operations: An Alliance Perspective

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Legal Issues of Multinational Military Operations:
                  An   Alliance Perspective'

                            STEVEN  HILL
     Legal Adviser, Director of the NATO  Office of Le gal Affairs
                         DAVID  LEMETAYER
       Assistant Legal Adviser, NATO   Office ofLegal Affairs'

Table  of Contents
I.  Introduction                           .................. ................. 13
II. Achieving Legal Interoperability  ....................  ...... 15
III. Current Legal challenges................................ 17
    1. Military operations and Human Rights Law..........  ......  17
    2. Hybrid warfare      ....................................... 17
    3. Cyber defence...................................... 19
    4. Maritime operations and activities  .............  .......... 21
IV  Beyond Legal Interoperability: Building Legitimacy   ............ 23
V   Concluding remarks ...................................         25
Summary  -  Samenvatting -  Rsum6   -
Resumen  -  Riassunto - Zusammenfassung  ..............        ......  27

I. Introduction
In July 2016,  the Warsaw   Summit   Communique confirmed NATO
Allies' longstanding commitment   to ensure that the Alliance remains
an unparalleled  community   of freedom,  peace, security, and shared
As a consequence,  ensuring the interoperability of multinational armed
forces is fundamental to protecting and defending the indivisible security
and the common   values of the Alliance.

1  This article builds on presentations given in Exeter at the occasion of the
   conference organized by the International Society for Military Law and the Law
   of War Society and the University of Exeter on International Law of Military
   Operations: Mapping the Field, 21-23 June 2016 and in Berlin at a workshop
   hosted by the German Society for Military Law and Humanitarian Law on
   Multinationality and Integration in Military Operations: The Legal Perspective,
   Berlin, 22-23 September 2016.
2  The views and remarks expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the
   official views of NATO or of the Office of Legal Affairs.
3  Warsaw  Summit Communiqu6, issued by the Heads of State and Government
   participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw 8-9 July
   2016, http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/officialtexts_133169.htm, § 2.


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