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37 Can. Tax J. 969 (1989)
Les Avantages Fiscaux a la Recherche Scientifique et au Developpement Experimental au Quebec

handle is hein.journals/cdntj37 and id is 993 raw text is: 

Les avantages fiscaux a' la recherche
scientifique et au ddveloppement
experimental au Qudbec

                       Guy  Lord, avocat, et Pierre Gagn6, notaire*

Over the years, Quebec has introduced several tax measures to
promote  scientific research and experimental development in the
province. Some  of these measures were changed substantially
following amendments  to the federal Income Tax Act as part of the
tax reform. For example, the measures promoting R&D financing
through limited partnerships had to be eliminated and replaced with
other types of tax incentives as a result of the federal government's
decision to curtail the R&D deductions for limited partners and other
partners not actively engaged in the activities of the partnership.
   Quebec has decided to harmonize its legislation with the federal
legislation with respect to general tax measures relating to R&D, such
as tightening the relationship between R&D expenditures and the
taxpayer's business and excluding buildings from R&D tax benefits.
The Quebec  legislation, however, differs from the federal legislation,
particularly with respect to R&D financing. For example, passive
investors (in other words, those who do not participate in a business
carrying on R&D) are entitled to tax benefits under the Quebec
legislation, but not under the federal Income Tax Act.
   This article describes the existing tax measures applied by Quebec
to R&D. It summarizes the federal and Quebec tax benefits, focusing
on the aspects that the measures have in common as well as the
differences. It then reviews the definition of R&D and leads to the
conclusion that it is identical in both Acts. Thus, the administrative
procedures followed by the tax authorities should be the same.
  In the computation of R&D expenditures deductible for income tax
purposes, the Quebec Taxation Act differs from the federal Income
Tax Act in that the Quebec R&D tax credits do not reduce the amount
deductible. Under the federal legislation, the R&D expenditures must
be reduced by the investment tax credits. However, there is a

  * Des bureaux de Samson B61air A Montr6al et A Qudbec. Mc Guy Lord fait maintenant
partie de l'6tude Clark Woods Rochefort Fortier de Montr6al. Lesauteurs remercient M, Diane
Bruneau pour ses commentaires sur une version prbliminaire de ce texte.

July-August 1989/juillet-aoat 1989 969

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