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19 Supremo Amicus 404 (2020)
A Fallacious Rescue to Reverse Discrimination: EWS

handle is hein.journals/supami19 and id is 416 raw text is: SUPREMO AMICUS


ISSN: 2456-9704

By Rohit Choudhary and Rahul Sodhi
From The North Cap University
The long-standing goals of the Indian
Constitution which serve as a driving force
towards building a society that finds its
roots in justice, liberty, equality and
fraternity. We   have  seen   under  the
Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019, where
these objectives were trampled upon by the
Parliament. In this article, the Citizenship
Amendment Act would        not be    the
impugned topic for discussion, lieu, it will
be the Constitution (103rd Amendment)
Act, 2019 being the subject-matter for
consideration. This act empowers the
Economically   Weaker    Citizens  by
providing them 10 per cent reservation, in
addition    to    the    already-existing
reservationists and explicitly excludes such
reservationists from the purview of this act.
The act has faced a juggernaut of criticisms
on various grounds which I will be
discussing in this article. Indeed, reverse
discrimination is happening at this time as
the forward classes are not subjected to the
special provisions made in this behalf for
their counterparts, i.e. the backward classes
of citizens. They are availing such benefits
by virtue of the fact that they have sustained
a long-standing disadvantageous position in
the society due to various compelling forces
and now, it's the time for them to stand
1167 Article 15(4) Nothing in this article or in clause
(2) of article 29 shall prevent the State from making
any special provision for the advancement of any
socially and educationally backward classes of
citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes.
(5) Nothing in this article or in sub-clause (g) of
clause (1) of article 19 shall prevent the State from
making any special provision, by law, for the

beside the forward groups. This is the
essence of substantive equality and thus, the
Constitution (103rd Amendment) Act is an
attempt of sowing seeds for reviving the
historical discrimination in response to the
reservation provisions for the backward
groups. This act finds its inception in a
premise    which    is   backed    by   a
misunderstood necessity.
I will be discussing in detail about the
Constitution (103rd Amendment) Act and
the reasons of its enactment. Then, the
focus will be shifted on the Proportionality
Test; for the purpose of screening the
impugned Act through each rung of the test
and analyzing the extent of its correctness.
I.     A        NEW         BORN
When our constitution was being framed,
the framers had it in their mind that the
backward classes of citizens shall get an
equal opportunity in order to emancipate
themselves    from    their   historically-
disadvantageous position and get adequate
representation   in   every    facet   of
development. Before the constitution came
into being, the Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes were the crystal clear
groups who were known to be strangulated
and stranded in a vicious circle of social
exploitation. Thus, these groups were on
the forefront of the policies of the
constitution makers and this later led to the
inclusion of special provisions for them in
the form of Article 15(4) & 15(5)1167, along
advancement of any socially and educationally
backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled
Castes or the Scheduled Tribes in so far as such
special provisions relate to their admission to
educational  institutions  including  private
educational institutions, whether aided or unaided
by the State, other than the minority educational
institutions referred to in clause (1) of article 30.

PIF 6.242


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