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50 Am. U. L. Rev. 1321 (2001-2001)
Slaying Goliath: The Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Antitrust Law to OPEC

handle is hein.journals/aulr50 and id is 1339 raw text is: SLAYING GOLIATH: THE
Introduction  ....................................................................................... 1322
I.  OPEC  and  its History .............................................................. 1326
A. OPEC: The Most Powerful Cartel in the World ............. 1327
B. OPEC's Impact on the Oil Industry ................................ 1329
II.  U.S. Antitrust Law .................................................................... 1331
A. Overview of Existing Law ............................................. 1331
B. The Meaning and Background of Price-Fixing ......         1333
C. The         Consistent      Inconsistencies       When
Extraterritorially Applying United States Antitrust
Laws .............................................................................. 1336
1. The basis for extending the reach of the Sherman
Act to acts performed abroad: the effects test ....... 1338
2. Limitations on the effects test and foreign
response to the extraterritorial application of
United States antitrust laws ................................... 1342
D. Hartford Fire and the Death of Comity .......................... 1345
III. Placing   Restrictions   on    Extraterritorial   Antitrust
Jurisdiction Based on Sovereign Interests .............................. 1347
A. The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act .......................... 1348
1. The commercial activity exception to sovereign
im m unity  ..................................................................... 1350
2. Distinguishing    between     governmental      and
commercial activities: the nature v. purpose test ..... 1353
B. The Act of State Doctrine ................................................ 1356
Senior Note & Comment Editor, American Uniersity Lazo Reiew, Volume 51;
J.D. Candidate, May 2002, American University, Wzshington to/lege of Lau B.A, 1999,
Binghamton Univetsit,, mag-na cum laude. S ecial thanks to Russell J. Upton and
Benjamin P. Saul, without whose guidance and assistance this piece would not have
been possible. I would also like to thank my fianc6, Shim ,- Asselt, and my family
for their unqualified love, support and patience.


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