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113 S. African L.J. 408 (1996)
The Choice of, and the Application of, Customary Law

handle is hein.journals/soaf113 and id is 424 raw text is: 408                                     THE SOUTH AFRICAN LAW JOURNAL
Professor Emeritus of Law and Honorary Research Fellow, Rhodes University
1 Introduction
Before I deal with the main subject of this note, it is important that I draw
attention to the fact that the obligation to take judicial notice of customary law
is distinct from the opportunity, and in some cases the obligation, to apply it.
If the rule in question cannot 'be ascertained readily and with sufficient
certainty' (s 1 of the Law of Evidence Amendment Act 45 of 1988) but
customary law is nevertheless to be applied, evidence of the rule can be led
(s 1(2)).
It is assumed that readers are familiar with what is said in my notes
'Customary Law in Magistrates' Courts and in the Supreme Court' (1986)
103 SALJ 526 and 'Customary Law in All Courts' (1989) 106 SALJ 166 and
with the authorities referred to in them. Hence in this note the titles will not
be repeated. Only the references will be given.
2 The choice of law
If statutory law directs that customary law is to be applied in specified cases,
there is clearly an obligation on all courts to apply it. One field in which the
choice of law is specified in statute law is the law of succession: see my The
Customary Law of Immovable Property and of Succession 3 ed (1990) 155-87
(Customary Law). If statutory law does not direct the choice of law, the court
needs to choose: (1986) 103 SALJ 526 at 528-30, 536-7; (1989) 106 SALJ
166 at 168-71. In regard to marriages in customary law (referred to in s 35
ofthe Black Administration Act 38 of 1927 as customary unions) and adoption
in customary law, the only reasonable choice will usually be to apply
customary law. The courts made that choice in Kewana v Santam Insurance Co
Ltd 1993 (4) SA 771 (TkA) and in Thibela v Minister van Wet en Orde en andere
1995 (3) SA 147 (T).A note in the last number of the Journal (see 'Stare Decisis
in a Reunited State . . ' at 222) discusses issues raised in these cases other than
those dealt with here.
In Thibela's case at 150C-D Van DykJ, after referring to expert evidence
given by Professor J C Bekker on Pedi law, said in a sentence in which the
learned judge appears to be dealing with a separate issue - it is in a paragraph
on its own:
'Ek hoefnie verder op die posisie in te gaan me, behalwe om daarop te wys dat ingevolge
gesag wat aan my voorgel  is en aan die hand van die getuienis van professor Bekker daar
'n plig op die hofrus (om dit ie hoer as dit te stel nie), veral ingevolge die bepalings van
art 1 (1) van die Wysigingewet op die Bewysreg 45 van 1988,om vreemde reg ofdie inheemse
reg toe te pas sover as war sodanige reg redelikerwys vasgestel kan word met genoegsame
sekerheid en verder op voorwaarde dat die hoftevrede gestel word dat die inheemse reg me
botsend sal wees met die beginsels van natuurlike geregtigheid en openbare belang nie?

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